Chapter 16

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Ferris POV

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!?!" Her father yells, making her jump.

Before she can say anything, I wipe her mouth with toilet paper, flush the toilet, and swing her up into my arms. He moves out of my way in shock.
She cries in my arms, coughing as I rub her back gently. Her warm skin sends a wave of heat through my cold body and to my non-existent heart.
"Shhh. You'll be okay, Parola." I whisper in her ear, kissing the side of her head gently.
"Ferris." She groans, holding her head. "It hurts."
"I know, sweetheart. We'll make it better." I hold her to me as I walk into her room. Laying her on her bed, I grab the bottle of pills on the bedside table, handing her one.
Now that I know who's hear, I pay more attention and hear three heartbeats downstairs. Who else is here?
The heartbeats get closer and closer, coming up the stairs. Ridley groans again, making me turn to her. Seeing her hold her stomach, I grab the small plastic blue trashcan and hold it to her just as she vomits again.
Falling back on the bed, she looks exhausted. Climbing onto the bed beside her, I pick up her small body and lay her in my lap, holding her head against my cool chest. I shiver in delight when one of her hands stops on my abs, laying limply.
The door opens making me look up. In walks her father, who must be her mother and a prostitute.
Well, at least that's what she looks like. She's wearing fishnet leggings under a tiny black skirt that wouldn't even cover Ridley's boobs- though she does have large breasts. She's wearing a corset type crop top and died brown hair is curled with a million cans of hairspray. Her face is caked in makeup.
"Ridley, get up. Right now." Her mother says sharply, looking very serious and business like. Ridley just groans and moves closer. Her fever's climbing. "RIDLEY!!!"
She jolts in my arms and I quickly grab the trash can, bringing it up to the bed. The prostitute wrinkles her nose in disgust as I hold her hair back.
She breathes deeply, collapsing in my arms. Reaching over, I place the bucket on the bedside table and rip off a piece of toilet paper to wipe her mouth.
She coughs, trying to speak. "Don't try to talk, Parola. It'll only hurt more."
She nods slowly and I can see the perspiration beginning to drip down her forehead.
"Will someone explain to me what the hell is going on?!?!" Her father throws his hands in the air.
"She's sick. You left her here alone." I say, narrowing my eyes at him.
"Then why are you here?" Her mother sneers.
"Because I was supposed to come over and watch movies with her." I say back, looking down at the black haired beauty in my arms as her hand twitches against my chest.
"And why are you half naked?"
"She has a high fever. She needs to keep cool. And I'm freezing." Like she's trying to help me prove a point, Ridley shivers against my chest.
She whines in pain, holding her head. Placing my hand on her, I pull my hand away quickly. She fucking burned me. Grabbing the thermometer, I place it in her mouth. Rocking her back and forth as I wait for the beep, I run a hand through her hair.
When it does beep, I pull it out and stare. 106.2. Shit. Life threatening.
Placing her down on her bed, I go to the other side of the room and slide into my boots. Grabbing my button-up shirt from the floor, I slide her arms into it and pick her up.
She cries out in pain when I move her. "Shh. I'm sorry, Parola. I'll make it better."
Pulling her close to me, I begin walking but stop when the prostitute touches my arm.
"Who are you?" She grins a sultry smile.
"Ferris, Ridley's boyfriend." I say before moving again. Since the damn humans are still here, I can't use my supernatural speed.
It's a good thing that I brought the Escalade. Sighing in relief, I look back at Jason, Blu, and Steven.
"We need to get to the hospital." Steven nods and grabs the keys from my pocket.
Climbing into the passenger seat, I hold her in my lap. She groans and tries to take off the shirt that still lays unbuttoned.
"You'll be okay, Parola. We're almost there." I whisper to her, rocking her gently. My hand lays on her stomach, rubbing slightly. Her head falls back as she passes out.
Her pale neck is fully exposed, her throbbing veins pulsing underneath the succulent skin. I swallow, trying to pull back the inner predator that wants to be unleashed.
Steven pulls to a hard stop in front of the Emergency Room doors. Throwing open the passenger door, I jump out with Ridley in my arms.
Her body begins to convulse against my body as I rush through the automatic doors.
"HELP!!! WE NEED HELP!!!" The lady from the registration office place runs over. I thinks it's kind of stupid that you need to wait in a waiting room for an emergency. What if someone was dying?
"Put her on here." A doctor runs over, his graying hair flopping. Two nurses follow.
Gently placing her on the gurney, a nurse puts her hand on my bare chest, stopping me from following. I stare after her, watching her long curls shift.

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