Chapter 3

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Ridley POV (Everest in top left corner, Stephen in middle, Steven on bottom, Blu on top right, and Ferris in bottom right /all in media box)
Well he gets straight to the point.
"I got a text from my mom about my cousin. He broke his arm." I lie. He doesn't seem convinced.
"Why are you lying to me?" He crosses his arms, making my eyes flicker down to his huge muscles and interesting tattoos.
"I'm not." I say weakly.
My phone buzzes from my pocket and I pull it out of my jacket.
'Still with him? Told u, u should go kill urself. Nobody wants u, whore.'
My tears build and spill over. Turning my phone around, I hand it to Ferris before walking back inside the building.
"Can we go home?" I whisper to my father who looks at me with genuine concern and worry. He nods and quickly stands, placing a hand on the small of my back to lead me out of the resturant.
Ferris still stands near the door, staring at my phone, the light reflecting off his face eerily.
He looks up when my dad starts the car. My eyes meet his golden ones through the window as we drive past him. Neither dad nor I speak as he drives.
"What did he do?"
"Nothing." I whisper, looking out the window.
His hand touches mine and I look over. I never was the best liar. He looks at me with sympathy as he pulls into our driveway.
"Go to bed. I'll bring you some ice cream." I smile sadly at him. He's done this many nights to comfort me when my mother wasn't there.
Girls are supposed to have mothers to guide them... but I only have my father.
Trampling up the stairs, I go to the room at the very end of the hall. My window is on the left wall with my desk and dresser, my bed on the right side in the corner with a bedside table next to it.
Dropping my jacket on the floor, I slide out of the dress, letting it pool around my ankles. Throwing on one of my dad's old t-shirts, I leave my spanx on and climb into the bed, burying myself under the blankets.
A knock sounds on the door. "Come in!!"
Dad walks in with a spoon and a pint of the ever so cliche, Ben and Jerrys. "Cookie dough. Your favorite."
"Thanks, daddy." He kisses my forehead before sitting on the bed next to my legs as I sit up.
He looks around my room before his gaze settles on the framed picture of our family.
"I remember that day." He smiles at the memory, as do I. "You were 13 and so much like your mother."
"I wish it was the same now." I whisper, poking my ice cream. He pats my knee.
"I know, sweetheart." Kissing my forehead once again, he stands and walk so it of my room, closing the door behind him.
I finish off my ice cream and place the empty carton and spoon on my table and fall under the covers.
Sleep doesn't come easy that night.
Walking down the steps to the sidewalk, I breathe in deeply. It's early, around 5 as I walk to the school.
It's a good thing I don't live far because it's starting to get chilly. Tossing my belongings in my locker, I start towards my English Literature of the Arts classroom.
I'm supervising morning detention today. Wrapping my thin gray sweater tighter around my body as I enter the cold room, I gasp at the sight of the six teenage bad boys, three jocks, and four sluts.
This is going to be a long three hours.
Swallowing, I sit at the teachers desk. Sitting cross-legged on the chair, I play with my bracelet.
A pencil flies through the air and narrowly misses hitting my wind pipe. I swallow shakily and look up to see a pissed off Queen Bee named Kara.
She glares at me before whipping out her phone. I know she's trying to text me but I pale when I realize I don't have my phone. Ferris does.
Glancing at the boy in the back row, I see him chuckling at Blu as he pouts childishly. He either doesn't have my phone with him or doesn't care about the constant buzzing.
Suddenly, Little Mix's Black Magic sings throughout the room.
' All the girls on the block knocking at my door!
Wanna know what it is make the boys want more!

Is your lover playing on your side?
Said he loves you,
But he ain't got time.
Here's the answer.
Come and get it
At a knocked down price.


Full of honey,
Just to make him sweet.
Crystal balling,
Just to help him see
What he's been missing.
So come and get it,
While you've still got time.


Get your boy on his knees
And repeat after me, say

Take a sip of my secret potion,
I'll make you fall in love.
For a spell that can't be broken,
One drop should be enough.
Boy, you belong to me,
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic
(and it's called black magic)

Take a sip of my secret potion,
One taste and you'll be mine.
It's a spell that can't be broken
It'll keep you up all night
Boy, you belong to me,
I got the recipe
And it's called black magic'
I see Ferris reach into his leather jacket and pull out an iPhone with a white and pink striped case. My phone.
He smirks at me as he holds it to his ear. "Ridley's phone."
I glare at him and he waves teasingly at me.
"Of course, sir. Yes, sir. Alright, have a nice day." He hangs up and puts the phone in his jean pocket.
As he turns back to his friends, I throw my hands in the air before quickly crossing them over my chest as another cool breeze encases my body.
Tracing the grains of wood on the desk with my eyes, I try to contain my shivers. A weight settles around my shoulders and I'm met with instant warmth.
Looking up, I see Ferris in his white t-shirt, his colorful tattoos showing. His leather jacket is wrapped around my small body and I tilt my head to the side curiously.
"You looked cold." He shrugs before walking back to his seat. A small smile takes over my lips as I pull the jacket around closer and let out a deep breath at the murderous looks on the four girls' faces.
Oh, Ferris, why did you do that?
I haven't seen Ferris or any of his friends all day so I still have his warm jacket wrapped around my body.
I've been receiving glares all day, making a pit form in my stomach as I'm afraid the jealous bitches will do something.
And I was right.
Kara shoves me into her groupies who clasp their bony claws around my biceps and drag me after their leader down the deserted hallway.
"Oof." I stumble when they shove me as we reach the side of the school. The air is cold and sharp, sending shivers through my body as the jacket opens.
"You dirty whore." A hand comes down across my face and I gasp in pain, falling to the dirt as I clutch my cheek. "Youre worthless. No one wants you. You're a disgusting slut."
I want to retort that I'm still a virgin unlike her, but I can't because she punches me with each sentence. She's weak, she can't throw a punch correctly but she has her minions holding me down and rings on her fingers. And then they bring out the bats and gag me so no one can hear me scream.
I can feel blood dripping from my lip, eyebrow, and nose. My vision blurs and my head rolls to the side, my heartbeat slowly getting weaker. The sky's getting darker now so the teenage girls leave, my beaten body still on the ground.
Each breath is painful but I manage to stay awake through the pain. It's completely dark now so I know my dad must be getting worried and my boss since I was supposed to work tonight.
A figure comes out of the shadows at the corner of the building.
"Help." I whisper hoarsely. In a flash, the person is by my side. Like literally, I didn't even see them move.
"Ridley." It's Ferris. He's covering his nose and mouth and his eyes are a blood red. I must be imagining things.
He picks me up, wrapping me in his strong arms. I curl into his cold body for warmth. Then I feel something dart out and wet my cheek. Huh, that's weird.
I shiver and lay my head in the crook of his neck as wind blows past us and everything Is a blurry image.
My eyes shut tightly as a wave of dizziness enters my body and I slowly let go of my hold on the waking world.

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