Chapter 23

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Ridley POV

                               My Converse slap against the floor as I walk. Everyone stares silently at me as I stare blankly back at them from behind my sunglasses. 

                              My hair blows back in the wind along with my loose black t-shirt. My jeans hug every small curve of my body, no matter how small. I've changed since they got here... and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

                            Ferris stands with the football team and his friends and they're silent as well. My phone rings as I near them. Pulling the device out of my back pocket, I roll my eyes but answer anyway.

                              "What do you want?" I sigh.

                              "Where's the hottie? Did he finally leave you?" Arabella snickers.

                             "I hope you know you're going to hell." I say before hanging up, feeling the tears water in my eyes. Blinking them away, I pass them to get to my locker which is a few down from where they stand. As soon as I open the small metal box, something catches my attention. A blood red rose and a small envelope that says Parola in fancy letters on top of my textbooks. I stay still for a few seconds before I grab the note and rose in my hand. Slamming the locker shut, I walk back to the doors and out of them, feeling his eyes burn into me the whole time.

                                Sniffling, I grab my phone and call the school to them I'm sick and not coming to school. The rose and letter sit in the passenger seat, mocking me as I drive. 

                                 Finally, I get to where I know I can be alone. I can't go home. Arabella's there, probably screwing some old man for money. So I go to the one place I can count on to be alone. Work.

                                   It's closed today because Emmett has to leave town for a few days. Unlocking the doors, I walk in and sit on my stool behind the counter. The letter sits heavily in my hands as I stare at it. 

                                  I gently rip open the top of the envelope to pull out a heavy piece of paper. Must be some expensive paper. Unfolding it, my breath catches as a picture falls out. 

                                 It's of me and Ferris. We're on the couch the day he saved me, my pale legs laying over his own pale legs and my barely clothed body on his. He has his arms wrapped around me as he looks at the camera with a small smile. I can see myself cuddling closer to him in the picture. 

                                 Swallowing the tears, I put it on the counter and continue on with the letter. 

Dear Parola,

                      I guess I never took into account that you have feelings as well. You're only human. (See what I did there?) I had expected nothing but kindness from you and I took advantage of that. Of the fact that you're too innocent for this world and for my life. But I can't seem to stay away from you.

                     You're the most beautiful girl that I have ever met and I would never choose your cousin over you. Ever. You're smart, kind, innocent, nerdy, adorable, and hot all at the same time. You wake things up inside me that shouldn't even be happening. You make my heart beat again. Literally. 

                     If you forgive me or at least want to talk, meet me on Sunday at the park on Sunset street at 5:30.

Love, Giant

                     I smile but my cheeks flush red when I realize that he called me hot. Holy shit, that bad boy thinks I'm hot.

                    Rereading the letter, I smell the rose, taking in it's sweet scent. Now, the question is if I should meet him on Sunday.

The Bad Boy Vampire's Shorty *On Hold*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ