Chapter 10

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Ferris POV

            I stand across the street from the bookstore, hidden in the shadows as I watch her. If I had a heart, it would surely break at the sight of the lone tear that escapes the corner of her eye.

           She wipes it away and turns off the music, allowing me to hear he elevated heartbeat. I calm myself. 

          The kiss shouldn't have happened. I lost control. When she jumped because her phone rang, my fang pierced her lip, drawing her decadent blood.

           I silently groan at the thought of it. It was even more delicious than the last time it had filled my mouth. I breathe deeply, knowing that it won't help any because I'm dead. 

           I watch her sit against the counter, holding her head in her hands as she cries, breaking me even more. 

  βεℓℓα (Ha, my nickname. This is cool) 

          Ridley POV

          I swallow harshly, keeping my head down as I see Ferris with Blu, Stephen, and Jason. I wonder where Steven and Everest are. 

          They stand around an oak tree, talking. I look up at the wrong moment and meet eyes with Ferris. I quickly turn my head away, grabbing my bag from the passenger seat. I frown when people watch in awe as I climb out of my new car. 

         It must be because of the outfit change. I chose to wear a loose purplish tank top with a printed flower pattern tucked into light wash cut off jean shorts. My hair is in it's usual curls that reach my back but today I decided to add a little make up. Mascara coats my eyelashes and I added a sort of smokey eye look to make my eyes seem more mysterious. There's also a light coat of red lipstick on my lips since they're already red instead of the usual pink. I feel like a dolled up Snow White. (Outfit in media box)

           I smile to myself, swinging my backpack over my shoulder as my Converse slap the ground. I'm glad I decided to take the sudden bout of warm weather as an advantage because damn is it hot out here. But it kind of sucks because it's almost December. Oh well.

         People whisper and wolf whistle as I walk through the hall. A light blush dusts my cheeks as I end up at my locker. Taking off my sunglasses, I step on my toes to reach the top shelf and get my binder. 

          I sigh in relief as I finally get into the classroom and away from the stares and comments. Then I remember I have this class with Ferris. Actually, I have all my classes with him. Ah shit. 

          Taking another deep breath, I focus on taking out my materials. My heart thuds slowly as the door opens to reveal him and his friends. A pit in my stomach settles and I close my eyes, holding my head in my hands. I can feel his gaze on me as he takes a seat so I open my eyes and remove my hands.

           "Take a seat class." Miss. Allens says as the bell rings. "Today, you are to write a poem. It can be about anything just as long as it's school appropriate. I'll give you the rest of the hour to work on it and it will be due December 5. You'll read it in front of the whole Junior year as part of your semester grade. Get to work."

                My hands rush over the paper in front of me, writing down ideas. My phone vibrates from in my pocket and I look around before pulling it out, not wanting to get caught.

                Unlocking the device, I open the message. It's from Ferris.

                'What's wrong?'

                 I stare at it for a few seconds before turning the screen off and putting it back in my pocket. I see him looking at me from the corner of my eye. I feel the tears building. 

               Shoving my paper and pencil into my bag as well as my notebook, I stand and walk to Miss. Allens desk. "Can I go to the nurse?"

             She looks up at me with a stern face only to soften when she sees my tear filled eyes. She nods and I turn on my foot, walking out of the room with one last glance at the boy that left me crying last night. 

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