Chapter 6

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Ferris POV
"I found her behind the school. She was attacked." I move towards her, sliding her arms out of my jacket carefully.
"No shit Sherlock." He replies.
"Hey, Sherlock was a good man. Used to invite us over for whiskey and cigars, remember." I tell him, looking behind me.
"Yeah, whatever." He stays silent as I grab a wash cloth from the bathroom and hold my breath as I clean up her blood.
Her blood was so good, making me want more. But I can't.
She winced as her breathing becomes labored and I know she has broken bones. Biting my wrist, I move it between her lips and let my blood drip, her warm breath against my cool skin.
Even unconscious, she reacts to me, her body taking over and swallowing the blood eagerly. I sigh in relief as I hear her heartbeat strengthen before pulling back.
I hear Blu leave the room. Brushing her hair out of her face, I cover her with a thin blanket, taking off her shoes. She has some tiny feet.
Blu comes back in, upset and I know I'm about to get an earful.
"You can't ever do something like this again."
"I know." I roll my eyes.
"You shouldn't have this time."
"What did you want me to do? Leave her there to bleed out? Or take her where she can heal?" I raise my hands, keeping my voice low as my gaze flickers back to Ridley.
"So you brought her here?!?!" I glare at him as he yells.
"Shut up. She needs to sleep."
"Oh, like we should be worried about her sleep. What about if she finds out?" God, he's so paranoid.
"She wo-" I hurry over when Ridley makes a noise of pain. "Hey, how you feeling?"
She jumps back when she opens her eyes, her heart pounding deliciously in her chest.
"Where am I?"
I look into her honey colored eyes that melt even the harshest person.
"My house." I help her sit up, careful to avoid touching her bare skin for fear of feeling the unusual sparks.
Handing her a cup of mine and Jason's blood, she takes a small sip. I watch her eyebrows scrunch in confusion. Adorable.
"What is this?"
"Fruit punch." She slowly nods and takes the cup from me.
"Why am I here?"
"I found you behind the school." I sit on the coffee table and run a hand through my hair, not wanting to be reminded of how I found her. "You were all beaten and bloody."
She looks down to her arm. Her pale skin contrasts badly with the yellowing bruises and few red scrapes.
"There's some meds in the fruit punch. Thats why it tastes so funny and it's why you don't look like you were hurt badly."
Putting the cup in her lap, she curls her hands and raises them to rub her eyes, yawning as everyone else comes in.
"Ummm... w-when can I go home?" She stutters quietly and I know she's tired.
"When you feel better." Blu answers, his features softened as he looks over the small teenager.
Feeling her phone vibrate, I pull it out of my pocket and answer, seeing as it's her dad, before sliding it between her head and shoulder.
"Ridley, sweetheart, are you okay?" I listen in, watching the pure joy enter her face as her father speaks.
"Mmm-hmmm. Are you at home?"
He's silent before sighing and her eyes open, showing that she's upset.
"When I get home, she better be there or we're going to have some problems. We're not going to keep living like this." The tone of her voice surprises me, it's demanding and harsh.
"Ridley, she's still your mom, you ca-"
"Yeah, she carried me around for nine months, gave birth to me, yada yada yada." She rolls her eyes.
"Actually it was seven."
"Seven what?" Her eyebrows crease in confusion.
"She was pregnant with you for seven months before you were born. You were premature so that's why you're small now." Oh, that actually explains alot.
"Are you coming home tonight? Where are you?" She looks at me with wide eyes before chuckling nervously.
"Ummm... funny story. I went to get ice cream and I kinda sorta got kidnapped by some bullies."
She smirks at me as I chuckle lowly, trying not to alert her father that I'm here.
"WHAT?!?!" I see Jason and Stephen wince and Steven flinch at his tone.
"Jesus Christ, dude. I'm fine. Well, I was until you decided to pay for a hearing aid. They won't hurt me. And if they do, they won't be able to have babies." She warns and I swallow nervously.
"Thats my girl!!" He says proudly.
She giggles, the sound ring wonderfully through my ears. "You taught me well."
"Thats right. Boys have cooties." He says seriously.
"Oh, boys have cooties. Ok, I'll keep that in mind the next time you say you want grandkids."
"NO SEX UNTIL YOURE DEAD!!!" I raise an eyebrow at that. What if she was like us, then technically she would be dead and the sex would be so much better.
I frown internally. I don't want her to live like we do.
"Then what's the point of having sex?" She asks, keeping her eyes down.
"Exactly. Give the phone to your 'captors'. " I take the phone from her as she giggles. "You didn't actually kidnap her, did you?"
"Depends on how you look at it." I say, watching Ridley play with her ring intensely.
"Just make sure my baby girl is safe and eats. She needs to eat or I swear, I will kill you." I purse my lips.
"I will. She'll be safe here."
"If I find out you touched her in any way she didn't want, you're going to have a whole goddamn army after you." What?
"Yes, sir." He hangs up after that. "Rid."
Stephen moves closer when she doesn't look up. "Ridley. Ridley. RIDLEY!!!"
She jumps and looks up with large doe eyes, her heart racing.
"You can go home tomorrow. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Define okay."
"There's no exact definition to it." I frown.
"Then I'm not okay." Looking into her eyes, I don't need to try to read her mind to know that she hurts, not physically, but mentally.
"Youre going to have to sleep on the couch so we can keep an eye on you." Blu says and I throw her one of my black shirts before pointing to a door.
"Bathrooms right there." We stay silent as we listen to her change and clean up.
When the door opens, my eyes watch her hungrily. Her soft curls reach her middle back, creating a curtain around her. Her smooth pale legs show from under my black shirt that reaches her knees. The shirt practically engulfs her, making me smirk mentally. She takes a small breath and a glistening of realization enters her eyes.
As she sits on the couch, she frowns at me and I know I need to gain control. She shakes her head and pulls the blanket over her body.
"Good night."
"Night." As she closes her eyes, we retreat to the kitchen, turning off the light for her.
"So, anyone want to tell us what happened and why she's here?" Jason asks, leaning against the stove.
"I found her behind the school. Her scent was mixed with blood and her heart beat was weakening. I caught the scent of four or five other people. All female. They purposefully beat her. My guess is with bats since she had small wooden slivers in her back and stomach.
"So, I brought her here. There was no way I could take her back to her house like that, she would've died by morning. I cleaned her up and gave her some blood to help heal her wounds. And that's about it." I explain.
Before anyone says anything, Ridley screams from the living room and I dash over. Her body is shaking and her face is even paler than normal, she looks scared. She's having a nightmare.
Kneeling next to the couch, I grab her shoulders and shake gently to wake her up. "Ridley, wake up!!!"
She gasps as her eyes open. Tears fall freely down her face as she jumps back, screaming in fear. "Ridley, it's me. Calm down, okay."
I slowly stand, holding my hands out, showing her that I mean no harm.
She curls into a ball, her legs to her chest. "Y-you had r-red eyes. Y-you were going to k-kill me."
My eyes widen as she sobs and I spin to see the guys. They look back at me with the same panicked look.
Turning back, I swallow. "It was just a nightmare, Ridley. I wouldn't hurt you. You know that. I'm going to sit next to you, okay?"
She looks up at me, her gray eyes bloodshot and swollen as she nods slowly. Moving next to her, I carefully wrap her in my arms, sighing in relief when she presses her face into my neck.
Tightening my hold on her, I rock her back and forth until she falls asleep again. Sharing a look that says we'll talk later, Blu makes the guys leave and go to their rooms for the night- not that they're going to sleep since we can't. Leaning back, I pull her tiny body on top of mine and tug the larger blanket from the back of the couch over us.
She shivers in warmth and presses herself against me, making me hiss as every single part of her touches me. Even if I am a vampire, I can still get painful boners.

Damn her and her hot body.

The Bad Boy Vampire's Shorty *On Hold*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin