Chapter 26

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Ferris POV

                    I freeze looking at her as she grabs a blood bag that we must've missed. "I can explain."

                    Suddenly, she takes a step back, her eyes glazing over. She must be remembering the night I drank from her. Dropping the bag, it splatters on the floor, covering her pale legs with blood.

                   She clutches her stomach and chest in sudden pain. Gasping, tears stream down her face.

                 I glare at Stephen as he watches her, his eyes locked on hers. "Stop it. She needs to remember."

                 The pain lets up almost immediately. I catch her as she falls forward. Her small body is tense against mine as I hold her in my arms.

                 She struggles to get out of my arms. "Ridley, I'm not going to hurt you."

                My arm wraps around her waist from behind as my face turns into her neck. She freezes, her heart beating wildly. 

                "I'm not going to hurt you." I whisper in her ear, closing my eyes as I hold her off the floor so our bodies are level. "I won't hurt you."

                 She slowly relaxes in my arms, her skin warm and soft against my cold and hard. "What are you?"

                  "We're vampires."


The Bad Boy Vampire's Shorty *On Hold*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ