Chapter 20

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Ridley POV

                  I bite my lip before I remember that I had grabbed his homework along with the boys'. Climbing up the steps, I pull out my headphones and pause my music. Ringing the doorbell, I flip down the hood, shaking out my hair. 

                    No one answers but I could've sworn I saw the curtain twitch. Turning around, I go down the sidewalk to the mailbox. Opening the metal lid, I slide in the bundle of papers. Grabbing the last piece of paper, I hold it in my hands for a second before shaking my head and sliding it back into my pocket.

                    Playing my music again, I walk forward, not really knowing where I'm headed.

Ferris POV

                    Jason compelled her to forget yesterday and came up with a new story. The guys stayed home with me because they didn't want me to take 'advantage' of her weak state. I've been bored out of my mind but the mental image of Ridley's face lighting up when we gave her ice cream after she got out of the hospital is enough to get me through.

                   Steven had to go out and get someone for me to feed. Ever since last night when I took her blood, I've been restless, craving more. But no blood tastes like hers, doesn't satisfy me likes hers does.

                   The sweet scent of coconut makes me grin to myself. Opening the curtain in the living room a little, I see her walking up to the door. Stephen pulls me back though and gives me a look. I sigh and speed up to my room to watch her where she can't see me.

                     I hear the doorbell from here and after a few seconds, I see her walk down the path. Opening the mailbox, she slides in a few papers and grabs one from what looks to be the sweatshirt I hid in her dresser last night. She hesitates to put the paper in the mailbox but just shakes her head and slips it back into the pocket before walking off. 

                     After letting her walk a safe distance from the house, I rush down the stairs and through open the door. Jogging in human speed to the mailbox, I grab the papers. My lips twitch into a smile when I see our homework assignments. Everyone's name is written in a different color pen, mine a sparkly dark blue. 

                     Walking back inside as I sort the papers out, I find a Post-it note on one of mine. "What is it?"

                      I look up at Blu as he enters the room, interrupting Jason, Steven, and Stephens' gaming session. Everest pauses their game and looks up.

                       Handing them their papers, I keep mine. "Homework."

                       As I walk down the hall, eager to read the note, I hear Steven mumble, "I don't think it's just homework."

                     "I heard that." I growl, slamming my door. 

                      Sitting on my bed, I ignore their chuckles and unfold the note. 


I got your homework for you. I didn't know if you were sick or just skipped school today so I got them for you. Our poems are due in less than 2 weeks so make sure you work on it.


                Ridley XOXO

               I smile at the small paper, standing up and going to the cork board above my desk. Pinning it next to the picture Jason took of me and Ridley sleeping on the couch the night I saved her, I go back to my bed. Time for homework.


                 I've become anxious, only seeing Ridley at night when she's asleep. I always have to be quiet and her cousin's snoring is the worst thing ever. 

                  I made the guys go back to school to watch over her because I can't. I get the feeling that something bad is going to happen to her. 

                 Very bad.

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