Chapter 38

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Ferris POV

                     I stare out the window at the dark sky. I stand with my family and friends inside of the study at their home. This isn't my home. My home is wherever Ridley is.

                     "You made the right choice, son." My father's gruff voice sounds as he lays a hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off, still looking out at the moon. Ridley loved the moon. I wonder if she's looking at it right now.

                      My phone makes a noise from across the room. My head shoots up as I dash towards it. Unlocking it quickly, I feel my shoulders sink. A text from Ridley sits there, staring up at me like a slap in the face.

                      'I didn't think you were the type to leave.' The background is a picture of Ridley taking pictures of us. I'm staring right at the camera with a blank face while she smiles but you can see the happiness in my eyes. All of that happiness is gone now.

                      I can feel her pain and her anger. I can feel that she thinks she did something wrong. But I can't hear her thoughts, I can't hear what she thinks of me. Glancing back at the text, I crush the phone into pieces before throwing it on the floor and walking out of the room. 

                      Right choice, my ass.

**Ridley POV**

                          It's been almost two weeks since I sent that text and almost every night, haunting images of Ferris stay in my dreams. A few times, I would wake up screaming and my dad would come in here, asking what was wrong each time. I wouldn't tell him. 

                          But today, I guess he's had enough. As I sit at the table, playing with my eggs, he sits across from me. Once again, we're the only ones home.

                            "What the hell is going on, Ridley? I can't do this anymore. Is it about that boy?" Dropping the fork on the plate, I stand up, going to the kitchen as he follows me. "Ridley!!"

                           "HE LEFT ME, OKAY!!! HE LEFT ME AFTER I GAVE EVERYTHING TO HIM!!! ARE YOU HAPPY?!?!" I scream, tears falling down my face. He looks at me with shock and I'm so emotional that my face isn't even red at the fact that he now knows that I'm not a virgin. 

                            "By everything, you mean..." He trails off and I nod. He's quick to run over and pull me into his chest just as I collapse in his arms, my head in in my hands. "Oh, baby."

                             I sob into his chest until my eyes begin drooping. He swings me up and into his arms, carrying me over to the couch, probably guessing that being in my room will make it worse. That's part of the reason why I don't get any sleep. Because of all of the memories. 

                         He covers me with a blanket and turns on Cupcake Wars. The Tim Burton episode is on. Kissing my forehead, he tells me that he'll bring me some chocolate milk before standing to his feet and going to the kitchen. Even before he can get back, I'm already asleep, my eyes closed.

**Aiden POV (Ridley's dad. Surprise!!)**

                            I watch Ridley as she sleeps, her chest rising and falling slowly and a peaceful look on her pale face. I'm going to kill that bastard.

                            Balling my hands into fists, I take deep breaths to calm myself. He hurt my little girl. She gave him her innocence and he just left. When she wakes up, I'll have her tell me the full story before I decided if I should make his torture long or longer. Either way, that boy is going to suffer.

**Ridley POV** (Sorry for all the POV changes)

                          I sit in a ball on the couch, watching the moon from outside of the window. I wonder if he's looking at it right now. Shaking my head to get rid of the thoughts, I turn to see my dad staring at me, waiting.

                          "We were at the ball and I saw him there with his ex-girlfriend. I was thinking that I didn't have any right to be hurt or jealous because we weren't anything but that kept going away when he kissed me. Or when he saved from something. It kept going away when I saw Robyn." I hear his breath catch and I look away, the tears pooling in my eyes once again. "She was there. She looked... older, healthy, pretty. Prettier than I could've ever imagined. She tried to apologize but I wouldn't let her, I made him take me home."

                         This is where my face heats up. "When we got here, he told me that he loved me before we... and I told him that I loved him. When I woke up, he was gone. None of his stuff was there, the pictures of us were in a box on my desk and there was no sign left that he was ever there. Except for his shirt. He gave it to me after we got out of the shower so that I could go to bed. I wasn't comfortable in my own clothes."

                             "Wait, let me get this straight. You had sex with him in the shower?" He asks. My eyes widen and my cheeks flame.

                               "No!! We didn't do anything in the shower." I look away, not telling him that we exchanged blood or had a bath instead of a shower. "We just... um, cleaned up."

                              He grimaces and I look away in shame. "Ridley, baby, I want you to know that you are an amazing young woman. Whatever he did, you'll heal. Everyone's first love is like this. When they lose it, they feel like it's the end of the world. But then they fall in love again. They move on and I know you can do this. I already lost one daughter to first love and I'm not about to lose another one."

                               I fall into his side, letting him rub my back as I cry silently on his shoulder. "I want him to come back. I want him to be with me."

                              "I know, sweetheart. Let it out." He murmurs softly, tucking his chin on the top of my head. For the next few hours, he holds me as I cry for Ferris. For the love and the pain that I felt. For the lies I believed. And for the new beginning that was supposed to come. 

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