Chapter 24

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Ridley POV

                     I sigh and check the time on my phone for the fifth time in the past minute. Since I got the letter three days ago, I've still been ignoring Ferris, trying to decide if I should meet him. And I did. 

                    He knew I was coming. I don't know how but he did and he gave me the look that said he would be waiting. Now, it's 6:00 and I'm the only one who's waiting.

                    Maybe he's just running late, got stuck in traffic or he lost his keys. 

                    My legs drift over the snow covered ground as I sit on the swing, my face ducked into my scarf and my hand shoved into my coat pockets. The wind blows my hair around, making my nose chilled. My head tilts back and I look at the stars. They're so beautiful from here. I wonder what they would look like up close. Probably bright and hot enough to kill me.

                   Soon enough, it's going on 7:00 and he still hasn't shown up. Sniffing to try and stop the tears threatening to fall, I stand from my place on the swing. I shiver at the sudden bout of cold air hitting the back of my legs.

                  My boots make a crunching noise as I walk through the snow. Then I see the figure dressed in black clothes, hurrying over.

                  "I'm so sorry I'm late. I had-" I shake my head at him.

                  "It's fine." I whisper, doubting he can hear me. 

                  "It's not. I know that you waited here and I'm sorry that I'm late but I had to take care of this girl-" I feel my heart beat double time in hurt. My fingers gently brush against the soft petals of the flower he had given me.

                 "It's fine, Ferris. I've learned not to depend on anyone. Especially you." I take the rose out of my pocket and roll the stem around between my fingers before dropping it on the ground, the red standing out against the white. My body turns away from him and I feel his stare drilling into me as I walk away from him.

                 Damn, that felt like a dramatic scene from a movie... but it felt good.

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