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Hey guys,

I am very sad to say that someone copying part of my story has been brought to my attention. Now, while I am upset, I don't think the author who did it should be harassed because I think she felt like she wasn't doing anything wrong and maybe she wasn't. I spoke to her about my writing and The Streetfighter and the Alpha. She gave me ideas and I considered them. If I used them, I had planned on dedicating the book to her and my girlfriend because they were both great inspirations to me.

Her book, The Hot Gangleader, has names and plot points that I used. Some of you may think that I am overreacting but I believe this because she only began writing after we spoke. As I said before, she will not be harassed by anyone who has commented, voted, or read my works. I hope I have made that very clear. I like this girl and from what I can remember, she liked my writing.

This author has potential to become a great writer. I wish she had asked me specifically if she could use some parts of my writing. I understand that there are quite a few books like this but I am honestly a bit offended because she not only took part of my plot and not gave me credit but she is also being praised for it. I am not going to force her to remove her story because I know how it feels to be a writer without fans, people like you who care and encourage me to write.

I am not calling her out or saying any names. I am trying to, as a writer, show you how it feels to have your work copied and not get credit for it. I hope none of you ever do this or have this happened to you. And if it happens to you or anyone you know, please do something about it. Tell the author or politely suggest to the person who did it that they should either take it down or speak to the original offer. There is no need for anyone to act rude and say things that shouldn't be said.

Just please try keep this from happening with anyone ever again!

Sergeant Skittles XOXO

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