Chapter 40

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Ridley POV (I'm sorry it's so horrible. It'll get better)

It's been another three weeks and I've been told that there's a competition for all of the surrounding school districts. They choose three of their most talented students and enter them in the contest. And I'm apparently one of them. I have a week to get ready and I definitely wish that Ferris was here to help calm me down. I feel him sometimes, waiting for me to send him a text or leave him a voicemail.

I don't know why. He doesn't like me. He only used me for sex before he left me.

"Ridley?" A knock on my door makes me cast my eyes towards it. It opens slowly to reveal Arabella.

"What?" I ask quietly, not in the mood to deal with her. She comes inside, closing the door.

She sits at the end of my bed, crossing her legs. Her face is bare of make-up with her hair tied in a bun on the top of her head. Her body is covered in leggings and a t-shirt, a surprising choice of clothing since it doesn't show any skin.

"What's going on?" Her voice is low and kind. Not her usually attitude. As I look at her in disbelief, she sighs. "I might be a bitch but I can tell when you need someone to talk to."

I look back at my window, staring out. "He left."

"Who? Ferris?" She asks. I slowly nod.

"He left after he told me that he loved me." My voice is low and monotone. There's no more tears unless I'm alone.

She gasps sharply, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth. She moves closer, now sitting right behind me. "Rid, did you..."

"Yes." I whisper. She lays down, climbing under the blankets as she grabs my hand comfortingly.

"I know I'm a horrible cousin and that I technically made him cheat on you but I know that you love him. I know that you would do practically anything to keep him happy." She takes a deep shaky breath. "I know how you feel because that's how I felt."

Turning to face her, I look at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"The reason that I was sent here was because I fell for a boy. Shawn. He was the golden boy, quarter back and most popular guy in school. His grades were perfect and everyone loved him. All the girls wanted him but he didn't date. One day, we ran into each other at the store. We started talking and then we went on a few dates. He asked me out and I said yes. After a few months, he started getting weird. He would leave early when we were out or at my house. He would always check his phone. So, I followed him. I wanted to know what he was doing. When I saw him, I swear, my heart broke into a million pieces. He was standing there with my best friend, kissing her like his life depended on it. I gave him everything and he just threw it away. So, I changed. I started sleeping around and partying after I broke up with him. I got popular. But I was still broken. Then I was sent here."

I see her pushing back tears. "You can cry here. It's safe. No one knows the pain that either of us went through. And they never will."

She gives me a watery smile before burying her head in my chest and crying like a child. I cry too but mine are silent as I rub her back gently. Soon enough, her breathing evens out and I let her go. Climbing out of the bed, I creep towards the door. My dad sits on the couch with his head resting in his hands.

Sitting beside him, he looks up to give me a weak smile before pulling me close. I swallow and lean into his chest. It'll get better. I know it will.


"Ridley, that's not right." I mentally groan. I found out that Arabella can play guitar so I'm having her help me. God should be helping me right at this point. By sending her to hell.

"I'm trying, okay!!" I shout, tears of frustration claiming my eyes.

Her face softens and she sighs, pulling me into a hug. "You need to do this. Think of it as your first step of moving on."

I nod and start again, wiping my tears. Little did she know that I don't want to move on.

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