3 Years Later

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Kennedys POV*
So we fast forwarded to 3 years later. I'm gonna give you an updated.
Fade and Jazzy are still dating. Tre is dating this girl Kyah. Me and Jalen are still dating. Ken and Dani are still dating. Malak and Adrian are still dating. My mom and Dwayne are getting married. And Dani and Ken had a kid. Her name is Alicia( pic in media) and she is 2.
Catch up over----
So yeah. Today I'm going to the doctors because I have been having huge stomach aches. I got dressed in some jeans and a pink "Queen👑" shirt and white heels. I left my hair down and curly.
I got in the car and drove to the doctors. Jalen stayed home to watch Anthony who is now 3.
When I got to the doctors office I
signed in and sat in the waiting room.
Doctor: Kennedy Gonzalez
Me: Yes
Doctor: Your doctor is ready for you. Room 134.
Me: Thank you b

I walked down the hall to room 134.
I walked in and it was the same doctor I had when I was pregnant with Anthony.
Doctor: Hi nice to see you again.
Me: Hello. You too.
Doctor: How's your baby?
Me: Great! He is 3 now!
Doctor: Wow!
Me: Yeah.
Doc: Well let's get started.
Me: Okay.

She did all the tests and scans.
Doc: So I can tell you your results or you can go pick them up.
Me: Can you tell me?
Doc: Of course!
Me: Okay! So....
Doc: So.... You are 5 months pregnant.
Me: Oh wow!
Doc: Yeah
Me: How come I haven't gotten that much bigger?
Doc: It takes a while sometimes. Have you got any bigger?
Me: Yeah I gained about 10 pounds
Doc: Okay. Well come back next month for another check up.
Me: Ok thanks.

I walked out of the doctors office and got in my car and drove home.

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