Meet the Squad

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So today Fade is taking me to meet his squad. I'm exited but kind of nervous because they might not like me.
I woke up and got a quick shower. I did my hygiene and got dressed. (Outfit in media) I brushed out my wavy hair and put in in a cute messy bun. I bought everyone a gift so they might like me more. I texted Fade to see how many people are in his squad.
Me: Hey
Fade: Hey bae
Me: How many people are in your squad?
Fade: Including me there are 13.
Me: Name please??
Fade: Kennedy Jalen Sylvia Tre Danielle Kendrick Adrian Malak Cameron Terrick Asyiah Trae Fade
Me: Thanks
*end of texting*
I ran to this shop and got all the girls necklaces with their names on them. I got all the guys gold watches with their names carved into it.

Kennedy POV*
Today we got to meet another girl. Her name is Naomi. I don't know if I'm gonna like her or not. I hope she's straight. We are all going to Fades house to meet her. I got up and took a shower. I did my morning stuff then got dressed. I took my kids to my mom and Dwayne for the day.
When I got home I ate breakfast then I called Dani.
Me: Hello
Dani: Hi
Me: Are you still coming over here
Dani: Yeah. I'm taking Alicia to my sister right now.
Me: Okay. See ya.
Dani: Bye.
-end of call-
I started picking up Anthony's toys that he had out. Why does he have so many toys?

It was about time to go and Dani and Ken was here. So we left. We all got in my car and headed to Fades house.
I never had been to his house before. He usually just came to ours. It was nice.
We all walked up and went in the door.
Me: We're here
Fade: I'm in the game room.
Dani: Where is that boy?
Fade: Ken bring them here.
Ken: Ight.
We walked into this big room.

Me: Who all lives here?
Fade: Me, my brother, his girl, my sister, and her man.
Me: This house is too big.
Fade: No its not.

Some girl walks out.
Ken: You must be Naomi.
Girl: Yeah.

We all said hi. Then the doorbell rang.

Me: It's probably the rest of the squad. I'll get it.

I walked to the front door and opened it.

Me: Wassup curly heads?!
Them: Nothing.
Terrick: Well don't just stand in the doorway. Let us in dumbass!
Me: Dang! Fine Rude.
Terrick: That's Mr. Rude to you.
Me: Oh. My bad *sarcastically*

We all walked back to the game room. Everyone else met Naomi. When everyone was there Naomi said...

Naomi: OMG! Your squad is curly head nation?!?!! I have loved you guys since I was in 7th grade. Especially you Tre!😏😉
Tre: I gotta girl.
Sylvia: Yeah! He got a girl. That girl is me so back off.
Fade: Um..... That was not needed Naomi. Figuring you have a boyfriend and he has a girlfriend. Plus, how did you not know they were my squad? I been in curlyheadnation since 9th grade?!?
Naomi: That was you??? So your name is Quevo? And what happened to Dee? And Ryn?
Fade: Yes that's me!
Ken: Dee is at college and Ryn moved to Paris and quit curly head nation.
Naomi: Oh. Why did she quit?
Me: She got in a fight with Danielle so she quit and moved far away.
Naomi: Oh. We anyways I'll be right back.
All: Okay

Naomi went upstairs then came back down.

Naomi: I have surprises for you guys!
All: WHAT?!?!?
Naomi: Here.

She handed is all a box. I got a necklace that said Kennedy on it.

All: Thanks Naomi.

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