Headed Home

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Today we are heading back to Michigan. Our flight leaves at 9 so we have to be there by 8. This morning I got up at 630 and I got in the shower. I did my hygiene then I got dressed (outfit in media.) I curled my hair and then I got Jalen up.

Me: Jalen wake up
Jalen: No! Get off me. *whining*
Me: Jay get tf up!
Jalen: Fine

He got up and got in the shower. While he was in the shower I got Anthony dressed while he was still sleeping. Then, I did the same to Briah. We were done at around 730. I put Briah in her car seat and then we went into the hallway. We knocked on everyone's doors.

Me: Come on guys *whisper yell*

Everyone came out and we went to the airport. We got registered and then we waited like 15 minutes for our plane.
When we got on the plane we sat in our same seats we sat in last time. I was sitting next to Jalen. It was kind of awkward because we aren't dating anymore but...

-Michigan airport-

We got off the plane and went into the airport. We got our bags and headed to our cars. Jalen decided that he was going to stay at his moms for a little bit. So, it was just me Anthony and Briah at home.
When we got home I put Briah and Anthoby in their beds and I went to sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night to knocking on my door. I ran downstairs to open it.
I opened the door and Jalen was standing there.

Me: What do you want.
Jalen: I wanted to say I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you and I love you. And I thought maybe you can give me one more chance and I won't blow it. Plus, I ain't letting you raise these kids alone.

I stood there for a second. Should I forgive him?

Me: One more chance.
Jalen: Yes!

He picked me up and spun me around.

Me: I love you but lemme catch you with someone else and imma be burying your ass. And whoever you was with.
Jalen: Okay.

We went upstairs and went to sleep.
I don't know if Adrian will be mad or not. She told me not to forgive him too soon and it only happened 2 days ago. But I missed him. Plus, I'm moving next week and I don't got the money to pay for this big ass house alone.

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