Moving in!

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Kennedys POV*
Today I'm moving into my new house! I'm so excited. Plus, We are throwing Anthony and Briahs birthday parties there in 3 weeks since there birthdays are only 1 month apart.

This morning I got up and got in the shower. I got dressed(outfit in media) and did my hair on a tight fancy bun. I woke Jalen up and he got ready. I picked Anthony up and put a white tee on him. I put some khaki pants on him and his white huaraches. I put his bucket hat that has the "🔥💯🔥💯" emojis on it. Then I got Briah up and put a plain pink shirt and white jeans on her. I put her black huaraches on her and a bucket hat that says "👑💕😻" on it.

We all got in the car and drove to the new house I dropped some of our stuff from the trunk off and then headed back home to get more stuff.
We headed back to the new house with the last of our stuff in the trunk. We are meeting the owners of the house we are moving out of to give them the key back. We were meeting them at Starbucks. I drove there and hopped out of the car. Jay and the kids stayed in.

I walked in and they weren't there. So, I went to the front and ordered.

(Lad= lady at desk)

Lad: Hello! Welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you today?
Me: Um... a S'mores Mocha (idk if that's even a thing 😂)
Lad: Ok. Last name please.
Me: Gonzalez
Lad: ok it'll be ready soon.
Me: Thanks

I sat down at a table.
Lad: Gonzalez!
Me: Thanks.

I got my mocha and sat down.
About 5 minutes later they were here. (Their names are James and Sarah)

Me: Hello
James: Hi
Sarah: Hello dear
Me: Thanks for letting us rent it. We really enjoyed it.
Sarah: Oh I'm glad.
James: So let's talk business. If there is any damage, you will be charged for that.
Me: Okay.
James: So, the key please.
Me: Oh yes. Sorry.
Sarah: *mumbles and softly smacks James* James be nice to the girl.
Me: Well thanks. I'll see you around.

I walked out and got in the car. We drove off and went to our new house.

Me: I love you
Jalen: I love you too.

When we got there me and Jalen unloaded all the boxes and the kids took a nap.

When all the boxes were unpacked it was 10:30 pm so, we went to bed.

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