Chapter 30 - Living to Regret Regrts

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Bryce had security check the building and cameras and card swipes and they reported back he wasn't at any of the offices.

We were almost at the home I shared with Ethan and I couldn't stop fidgeting.

Bryce kept driving like crazy, swerving from lane to lane and honking at everyone one and pedestrians to prevent from hitting them.

Rae kept telling us that maybe we were exaggerating and maybe he was actually going to do something romantic by 10pm, but I know Ethan, and nothing from that letter gave me that impression.

Something was definitely not right.

"Fuck!" Bryce hit the steering wheel as the car came to a screeching stop.

We were less than a block away and there was traffic.

That's very weird at this time of night for this location. I could see the building.

I looked at the clock 10:15 pm.

I open the car door and ran as fast as I could to the building, ignoring Bryce and Rae yelling for me to wait.

Do they not see the time.

The closer I got the faster I ran especially after I saw the crowd and 3 police cars behind them.

Ignoring everyone I push my way through needing to get to Ethan and hoping it's just a car accident and Ethan is safe inside.

I breath a sigh of relief as I see a couple of cars crashed into each other.

With that I take a turn to head into the building but is stopped when I hear one heartless cabbie recap to another what happened and he said "someone just jumped from up there, and fell onto that car that crashed into the others. The police just showed up and called for the ambulance. Typical day in New York, I am sure it will be cleared up soon."

I look at where he's pointing and sure enough it's our building.

"no no no no no no no no no no" I shake my head.

I start running to the cars and past the police officers holding everyone back before they could grab a hold of me.

I ran from one car to the next until I finally see it, see him.

"oh my god! oh my god!" I run over to him ignoring the officers screaming "ma'am you can't be over here" and hearing Bryce voice momentarily interrupt them.

No wonder I didn't see it before.

The car is facing away from everything and not unless you go around it will you see.

And I wish I never did.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh" I scream and scream and scream until I hear Rae and Bryce yelling after me but they stop once they are next to me.

Bryce pushes past me and runs over to his body.

I drop to the ground not being able to look anymore as Bryce tries to cradle his older brothers body.

I could hear Rae crying as she ran over to Bryce and they tried to talk to Ethan.

I bury my face in my hand trying to block the image.

"I killed him!" I cried.

His body was laying backwards onto the windshield of a suv and his left leg bent completely backwards on the hood of the truck and you could see the bones sticking out.

He had blood coming from his mouth with his eyes closed.

"Oh my god, I killed him!" I cried as I heard the ambulance siren growing closer.

"Quinn! Quinn! He's alive!" Rae yells.


I get my sorry self up as fast as I could and run over to them.

Bryce had climbed up onto the car and rested Ethan's head under his arm.

"Stay with me E! You can do this man, Stay with me, Quinn is here, she's right here man. You gotta stay with her." Bryce says with tears running from his eyes trying to be strong while Rae held one of Ethan's hand showing she's here as well.

"Ethan! Baby please don't leave me. I am so sorry." I grab his other hand looking into his eyes as I beg him to stay.

"Qu...Quinn" He tried to say but ended up coughing up blood and we told him to stop talking and just hold on because we could see the ambulance had arrived and they were rushing with the stretcher.

His eyes closed back and I lost control once more crying my heart out as Bryce backed me and Rae away so they could put the thing around his legs and strap up his neck and legs before loading him onto the stretcher.

We all tried to go in the ambulance but they said only one of us could ride along.

"Go Quinn, if anyone can give him a reason to live then that person is you. Go!" Bryce pushed me in the ambulance and the doors closed behind me.

I sat holding his hand and listening to his heart beat on the machine as they kept speaking in medical code and hooking up iv's into him and injecting different things into it.

"Ethan please don't leave me, please. I'm ready to tell you. This is all my fault baby and I promise to make it right. Just please don't leave." I plead with him but get no response.

If he dies, I will never be able to live with myself, they better have a spot in the cemetery next to him waiting for me.

Death ends a life, not a relationship.

~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

This is so sad!!! I can't write anymore :(

What is going to happen to Ethan?????

Quinn???? Omg

Bryce had to cradle another body!!

So sad

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