Chapter Four

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Knock, knock.

"Come in!"

Connie had gone straight to her office and reclined in the chair, before piling some papers to her ever-growing list of paperwork. She wanted to get some work done before Jacob came, but the truth was that she simply had to prepare herself for what was to come; was it really a good idea to invite him into her office? She couldn't stop the thoughts of him kissing her fervently, with her arms bound above her head and her back pressed against the door, from invading her mind and eradicating most of her sanity. She ached for him, but she still couldn't give in, since she knew in her head that her work would take up too much of her time. He wouldn't want her so much when he realised that she doesn't have a life outside of work, she knew that.

But still, here he was, stood in front of her in her office, with a devilish glint in the corner of his eye.

"Lock the door," she said with a demanding tone. He complied immediately, shutting the venetian blinds at either side too. She realised that he was obviously suffering from the same thoughts as she was, and she smiled at him - a little in sympathy, but predominantly as a challenge. "Sit down."

As he took a seat, he began to speak, "So, Mrs B, I'm guessing you've reconsidered my-"

"Robyn saw us." Connie interrupted him bluntly, and he looked a little taken aback at first.

"Doing what, exactly?" He chuckled a little, and the fact that he found it amusing made Connie relax a little too.

"She saw us a few days ago, out on the corridor."

"Mrs B, it was nothing but an innocent gesture!" He remarked unconvincingly.

Once more, the butterflies took flight in her stomach. Her voice was barely audible. "You and I both know that isn't true."

They stared at each other for a few seconds, before Connie began to feel a stinging behind her eyes. Before she knew it, tears were falling down her face, and she was unable to do anything to stop them. Damn, congrats Beauchamp.

"Hey, hey." His comforting words just made her feel more embarrassed, and as he stood to comfort her, she stepped across to the other side of the room where she kept her box of tissues. While wiping her eyes, she felt him step closer to her, and she knew that she couldn't bear to have him near her at this moment.

"Please, don't." She sniffed into the tissue, and didn't make any attempt to turn around and face him. Instead, she remained stood in the corner of the room, facing the wall. "Please, Jacob."

"What's wrong?"

"What do you want, a list? I lost my daughter, my social life is disastrous, I'm overrun with work, and now I've lost you."

He smiled at her fondly, though she couldn't see. He wanted her to know just how fond he was of her; how much he loved her. He knew she couldn't feel the same about him, because she was pushing him away, but he was more than willing to make a go of it. He had fallen in love with her the first time she'd sauntered in with those black high heels. He was going to tell her one day, he made a vow to himself that he would, but perhaps today wasn't quite the right day. "You'd have to do a hell of a lot more than that to lose me, Mrs B."

"Well that's very kind, Jacob, but I really don't think you know what you're talking-". It was her turn to be silenced. He had stepped up behind her - surprisingly quietly for a man with such a large build - and settled his hands across the base of her neck. He began to rub the muscles at the side of her neck with his thumbs, making his way down to the tops of her shoulders. She closed her eyes, leaning in to his touch, and sniffled a few more times before tossing her head back in complete submission. The act surprised her, for she was always a leader - one to give the orders - and here she was, unable to do anything but submit to his gestures. He reached up to the top of her neck, massaging down slowly in circles a few times, each time making her beg for more, until she couldn't stifle her moans any longer. He began to massage down her neck, and slowly made his way down her back.

"You need to relax, Mrs B." He ushered, his hands soothing her muscles around the dip in her waist. She had completely lost her senses, and only realised what was happening when his hands scooted back up to her neck again to continue his demonstrations.

"Jacob," she pleaded, guiltily. She felt as though she'd led him on, letting his hands roam over her like that. He dropped his hands from her neck, and she was surprised that she didn't whimper at the loss of contact.

"Do you feel any better?"

"Much. Thank you." She turned around to face him, her eyes a little red, and her expression full of thanks.

"Anytime, Mrs B."

"I don't feel as though it would be appropriate for me to ask you to do that again, Jacob."

"Who said we needed to keep it appropriate?" He winked at her again, like he had a few days ago, and she smiled a smile of sadness, knowing that that meant he was going to disappear. Sure enough, he did, and she was left alone in her office as she was when she entered.

It Must Be Love - Jacob and ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now