Chapter Fifty Seven

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I know, four days.. I'm really sorry! There are no excuses, I just hope you enjoy it!

Everyone followed Connie and Jacob out to the beach to get photographs taken - some formal, some traditional, and some crazy, and then Jacob revealed the area of the beach where they were having their after party - there were several circle tables, with white tablecloths, and then one large tent with food inside. Directly opposite from the tent was a makeshift wooden stage, with chairs and tables across it, and poles across the top holding some bunting. Connie and Jacob took their places next to each other at the table on the stage, and Grace sat with Charlie on her knee beside Connie (the pair combined was who Connie had chosen to be her maid of honour), while Big Mac sat next to Jacob in the Best Man's seat. Mother of the Bride sat next to Grace, and then Zoe had been chosen to speak too, as a close friend of the couple. Big Mac was to deliver his best man's speech first, and he pulled out his prompts from his top pocket and coughed.

The last to speak were Connie and Jacob, and Connie delivered hers first. Her mothers speech had put a tear in her eye, and so Connie was a little flummoxed when it came to beginning hers.

"I'd like to, erm, I'd like to thank you all, for being here with us today. Today has been perfect, and that is greatly down to the love from all of you," she said. "So, I wanted to tell you all about mine and Jacob's time together." She saw Jacob look a little surprised, and so she assured the room that she was going to be giving the clean account of their relationship, causing them to chuckle. She proceeded to tell them how much Jacob meant to her, and got another few tears out of her mum, before finally thanking the audience and sitting down. Jacob kissed her quickly, whispered 'thank you' , and then stood up to deliver his own speech.

"I know you're getting tired of speeches now," Jacob said to their friends and family. "So I thought to change it up a bit." Connie muttered 'Oh no,' earning herself a mischievous glare from Jacob, and they smiled at each other. Jacob hopped over the table, and onto the stage, then carried on talking. "So, as many as you know, my beautiful wife was unfortunately in a car accident about six months ago, and she lost her memory for a short period of time. So when she remembered who I was, and started asking about the ring, I couldn't resist the urge to pull it out of my back pocket and propose to her right then and there. But obviously that wasn't how I'd planned to propose, and so now, Mrs Masters, I can finally show you what I wanted to do all that time ago." Jacob winked at Connie, and she looked at him, clearly confused. He turned on a radio that he'd hidden under the chair, and three of the staff - Max, Louise and Ian - got up from their seats, and began walking towards Jacob. They performed an organised dance routine that reminded Connie of things from her past with Jacob (they recreated their first date, among other things, through dance) and it was incredibly moving, as well as being incredibly funny. At the end, Jacob gave a little speech saying how much he loved Connie, and then he officially got the party started.

"Did you choreograph that?" She laughed.

"Only the best for my wife," he whispered.

"It was beautiful, Jacob."

A couple of hours later, Connie and Jacob had been partying hard with all their friends, and she was getting a little tired. The night was drawing in and the dusk was being drawn like a curtain across the sweet blue sky. Clouds were floating around effortlessly, and a few stars were beginning to appear. Connie walked over to Jacob, and rested her head on his shoulder. The area was now illuminated by candle light, and so it was time for the first dance. Jacob took Connie's hand, and he led her into the middle while all their friends and family stood around the edge and watched. They had chosen to dance to Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love With You," and they swayed delicately across the sand. Her head went to his shoulder, and his arms fell around her lower back, as they just moved together slowly, in time with the music. Connie heard her mother say how perfect they looked together, causing Connie to grin.

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