Chapter Fifty

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So. to celebrate FIFTY chapters, and over 8K views (seriously guys - thank you so much!) this is a fairly long chapter, and is a bit of a landmark in Connie and Jacob's relationship. I did want to write the wedding here, but since they haven't done any wedding planning yet, I thought I'd write something else instead. You guys seem to like the sexy scenes I write, so here's one chapter full of hardcore, loving, passionate sex ;) This is more intense than I've ever written before, so if you're a little faint-hearted,  then another chapter should be up soon. Thank you all for sticking with me on this story!😀

The next day neither Connie nor Jacob went to work, as Connie's mother had texted to say she was coming down. Jacob had explained the entire situation to his mum too, but she had gone away to visit some of her family for a couple of months. She was gutted that she couldn't see her granddaughter yet, but as Jacob reassured her, they weren't going anywhere. Connie tidied up the house while Jacob went out shopping for something for dinner, and then they both got changed, and got Charlie dressed too. Grace was at school, and so Jacob said he would pick her up at three o clock. Suddenly, Charlie started to cry, and Connie rushed over to her side. She knew why immediately, and groaned as she picked Charlie up and rested her on her changing mat. Jacob came over too and watched as Connie changed the nappy, as he wasn't exactly sure how you were supposed to do it. Connie unfastened the tabs at the side, and then lifted up Charlie's bum and pulled out the dirty nappy.

"Can I have the wipes, please?" She asked, and he passed them over to her. She wiped Charlie, then rubbed some cream into her bottom to keep the skin soft, then slid a clean nappy underneath Charlie and secured the tabs on the sides.

"Perfection, Mrs Beauchamp," Jacob smiled as he wrapped his arms around Connie's middle.

"Yeah, well it's your turn next time - that's two in a row I've done and-" he silenced her by pressing his mouth to hers and he nibbled on her lower lip as they kissed. When they broke apart for air, they were both smiling, though she was slightly dazed.

"I was talking about you," he whispered in her ear, and his hot breath caused butterflies in her stomach. She couldn't think of a witty retort, and so she just smiled along with him and listened to the silence. It wasn't long before Connie's mother arrived, and she came to the door with a small bag of presents.

"What are these?" Connie asked, greeting her mum.

"You can never have too many baby clothes, my dear. Some of them are what I had for Grace when she was this small." Connie took the bag from her mum and they exchanged hugs, before Connie guided her in to see Jacob cuddling Charlie.

"Oh, she's beautiful, Connie. Really, truly, beautiful."

"It comes from her mother's side," Jacob commented, which caused Connie to blush.

"Congratulations, both of you." Jacob passed over Charlie to Connie's mother, who was astounded at how light she was. They spent the rest of the day talking about the baby, and Connie took great pride in showing off the room that Jacob had painted. He prepared dinner for everyone, and they sat and ate it at the table, and then Jacob got Grace from school. It was a shame that Connie's mother had to leave shortly after, as Jacob had had a wonderful day with her and his three girls. At about half past 4, they were all settled down together watching a bit of TV, while Grace did her homework and Jacob texted his friends.

"Hey Con," he said, a little while later. She looked across at him. "Do you mind if I meet my mates tonight? I won't be back late and I won't get drunk - just want to catch up."

It Must Be Love - Jacob and ConnieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang