Chapter Forty Three

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I've got up to Chapter 48 written now, but I don't want to upload it all at once in case I confuse people, especially as these chapters are quite long. If you think I'm uploading too much, then please tell me, and I'll upload less frequently. Hope you like it! :)

They were woken up in the early morning by Grace, who leapt on to the bed at exactly half past 8 in the morning.

"Mum, Jacob, it's Christmas!" Connie groaned, and Jacob laughed at the excitable young girl. "Can we go downstairs?" Grace asked, looking up at Jacob and Connie. They had apparently moved in their sleep, as Jacob's hand had crept under her nightdress and was pressed in between her crotch and her thigh. He squeezed her leg briefly, and they smiled at each other before moving and sitting up.

"Hold your horses sweetheart," Connie laughed. "Can you pass me those two dressing gowns from over there please?" There was one black one and one white one, both equally as fluffy and warm. Grace was wearing her pink one, and her pink slipper boots to match. She went to get the dressing gowns, and Jacob jumped out of bed instantly to pull his on. He couldn't wait to see the girl's faces when they saw both the amount of presents and then what he'd bought, and so he couldn't wait to get downstairs. Connie rolled out of bed and pulled her dressing gown on, then brushed her hair before taking Jacob's hand and following Grace down the stairs.

"Wow!" Grace gasped upon entering. There were so many presents, and they were each wrapped in a shiny paper, making them look even more magical. Connie walked through the door, and - like Grace - she was stunned. "Mummy I can't believe you bought so much!"

"I didn't," Connie replied, and glanced over at Jacob, who was smiling wickedly. "I think we have Jacob to thank for these."

Grace went to her stocking first, and it was then Connie noticed that she had one too. She smiled fondly, then walked into the kitchen and came back with another stocking that she'd prepared for Jacob.

"Awh, cheers sweet cheeks." He smiled, and they all sat on the floor together. Grace opened her stocking first, and had a load of sweets, make up, hair accessories, and a bottle of perfume too. Connie and Jacob opened theirs together but he made sure to watch her as she opened hers. He had a couple of pairs of socks, some earplugs (he said he'd wanted some), some chocolates, a new, designer leather wallet (as Connie had noticed his was falling apart), and a few pairs of Calvin Klein underwear. He was so happy, and just emptied his stocking by the time Connie had reached the last present in hers - the perfume. She opened it and smiled happily, and they exchanged their 'thank you's and hugs before they moved on to the presents at the tree.

An hour later, they were almost finished, and they had had some great laughs as a family. Connie had told Jacob off a few times for buying her and Grace far too much, but Grace didn't complain once, and Connie was extremely grateful. Grace had been out shopping once with her aunt when Connie and Jacob were at work, and she had bought Connie a festive jumper, and a new handbag. She had wanted to buy for Jacob too, but she didn't know what to get, so she had asked Connie, who had helped her find something perfect. They were down to their final few presents - Connie only had two presents from Jacob left to open, and he had two to open as well. Grace had three left - one from Jacob, and two from Connie. Grace opened the one from Jacob first, and as she pulled off the paper and saw the headphones, she broke out into a huge smile. She hugged Jacob instantly, saying 'thank you' over and over again.

"You said those were the ones you wanted?" He asked, and she nodded quickly. Connie was so happy that Jacob had wanted to make so much of an effort for her and Grace, but feared that he might not have much need for the wallet that she'd bought him, if he'd spent all his money on them! The final two presents for Grace were some high heeled shoes, and the iPhone 6s that Connie had bought at Watford. Grace's mouth fell open when she saw it, and she was so happy that it was even in her favourite colour - rose gold. After saying many more 'thank you's to her mum, it was Jacob's turn to open his final two presents. Connie had already bought him two pairs of expensive trainers, some Emporio Armani tee-shirts, and a designer watch, so he didn't know what else could possibly be left to buy for him. He opened the one from Connie first, under her instructions, and then felt a little nervous as he saw her and Grace exchange a knowing look. He opened it carefully, and was presented with a brown cardboard box. When he opened it, he couldn't quite believe his eyes.

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