Chapter Forty Five

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Five months had passed since Christmas and Connie was now seven months pregnant. She had a noticeable bump, and it was big enough to cause her back ache if she walked for too long, but it wasn't as big as it was when she had Grace. They were lying in bed one Friday night in May, and suddenly Jacob got an email. He picked up his phone to check it, and was astounded when he realised what it was.

"I'd completely forgot!" He laughed.

"What is it?" Connie mumbled, looking up from her book.

"That course you nominated me and Robyn to do a while before Christmas," he began. "We've got the results."

"Oh yeah, how did you do?"

"I got 98 out of 100 marks on my final exam. Best in the region."

"Oh, congratulations! See, I knew you'd ace it!" Jacob was sat looking disappointedly at his phone, and so Connie wrapped an arm around him. "I thought you'd be happy."

"They've offered me a place on that training scheme. Say I'm more than capable of getting into the top band again."

"So what's wrong?"

"Well I'm not going, am I?"

"Why not?"

He took a deep breath and sighed, and Connie could see that he really wanted to go. "It's a week away in America, and I'd have to leave tomorrow. You're 7 months pregnant, I can't leave you."

"Are you serious?" She could've slapped him for being so stupid as to throw away the opportunity, but then she'd have had to kiss him better because he was just so caring. "A week away isn't going to make a difference. I'm pregnant, not dying, and the baby isn't even expected for another two months. This will do wonders for your career Jacob. What time is the flight tomorrow?"

"6:30pm, so I'll need to be at the airport at about 4:30. They've sent my ticket in the post. Do you think I should go?"

"I might not speak to you if you don't."

"You'd better call me," he whispered. "Every night."

"Try and stop me," she winked, and kissed his cheek. "Congratulations, baby."

"Thank you, sweet-cheeks."

They had spent the whole day packing for America, as Jacob was useless when it came to finding his essential items. Connie signed him off work for the next week, and she had even offered to take one of his shifts, though Charlie had insisted he'd do it as Connie shouldn't be overworking. When it came to 3'o'clock, he was ready to leave, and his suitcase was in the back of Connie's car. She drove him down to the airport and they arrived just before half 4, as the traffic was hell. He got his suitcase, his travel bag, and his ticket, and wheeled himself up to where he needed to check in.

"So," he said, approaching Connie. "You've got a week without me, how will you cope?"

"Oh I'll be happy to be rid of you. I think the real question, Staff Nurse Masters, is how will you cope?" Both of them were hurting so much having to say goodbye to one another, so they tried to cover it, though it didn't work.

"That's what I'm scared of," he whispered, and rested his hand on Connie's cheek and gazed down into her eyes. His honesty made her eyes begin to water, and so she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, blubbering, "I'll miss you." He told her he loved her, and kissed her passionately, being careful that their tongues didn't get too carried away, and then she broke away, and told him to go and get his flight. He'd just walked over to reception when she called him again.

"Jacob?" She called, and he turned around. "I love you." He smiled, and almost cried himself, and Connie stood watching him until he got through to the other side. Then, she turned and left, and drove back home.

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