Chapter Thirty Four

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Only one update today, as I've got so much work to do that it's unreal!! So here's the solution to the little cliffhanger I left you with last chapter, hope you like it<3 !!

He heard her crying through her office door, and it killed him to know that he'd caused that. He copied her actions, and slid down the opposite side of the door to sit on the floor. All the staff that walked past him were giving him either an angry, or a sympathetic glare, but he didn't care either way. He'd just upset Connie, and no matter what she thought, he did love her. He loved her so much. He knew that he always would.

"Connie," he whispered, and the sobbing on the other side ceased momentarily.

"I don't want to talk to you." She managed to say.

"Then don't. Just listen. It's not what you think, honestly, it isn't. That girl, she's special to me, that's all."

"You don't have to explain. You said yourself that you wanted to be with her, and that I'd 'get over it' so why don't you just go? Save us both the pain of discussing the inevitable."

"Oh Connie, it's not the inevitable. You don't have to lose me over this. I'm not choosing her over you! Me and my sister, we-"

"Your what?" Connie couldn't believe that he was trying to say that this was his sister. The things he had said were pretty clear. 'I want to be with you. You need me more.' Those aren't words you'd say to your sister. Jacob suddenly realised why Connie was so torn up over this - she didn't know about the situation! He thought she had read the messages on his phone, as he noticed that it had moved from the spot in which he'd left it, but obviously she hadn't! He needed to explain now more than ever.

"Oh my god, you thought I was cheating on you, didn't you?" Jacob jumped up in one move, and started to knock on the door. His knocks got increasingly louder, and he soon began to tell her to let him in - he needed to kiss away her pain, as she'd got the completely wrong idea. He couldn't cheat on her, ever, and he couldn't leave without her knowing that.

"Why should I?" She cried. "You're a cheat, Jacob, and now you're trying to cover it up!"

"Just let me in, I can show you the messages we've had. I assumed you'd already seen them." With that, Connie pulled open the door, and stood - with two red, puffy eyes - facing him.

"What makes you think that I'd go snooping on your phone? I saw the last message while I was checking the time."

"Connie, if snooping around would have prevented even a fraction of the pain and hurt that this has caused, then I certainly wouldn't have minded." He pulled out his mobile phone, and opened the messages quickly. He scrolled up to the very top, and the messages were from a couple of weeks previous. The messages went as follows:

Is this Jacob Masters?

- The one and only... who is this?

It's Christine, hasn't mum told you about me?

- She did, still can't believe it! Did she give you my number?

Yeah, I'm in your area. I'm at the pub on the corner of Hyde's Road, the Boars Head? Any chance you can meet me here?

The messages then went on to another conversation, and Connie allowed Jacob in to her office so that he could make an attempt to explain.

"I didn't know about her until about a week before that conversation," he said, simply. "Ma was pregnant at one time when I was around, but we were told that the baby was stillborn. Didn't know that my Grandma had actually arranged for Chrissie to be put up for adoption in secret. Ma didn't even know until recently, when my gran admitted it on her deathbed." Connie found the story so unbelievable, but somehow, she found herself listening to him. "Ma was heartbroken. Said she'd always wanted a little girl and the opportunity was taken away from her, but she eventually managed to get in touch, and turned out Chrissie wanted to meet. She got in contact with me a little later and I met my little sister."

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