Chapter Twenty One

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Another long chapter! So I hope the last chapter wasn't too full on, but I love to hear your feedback, so if you can tell me what you thought (and whether you think I should do another chapter like it when the time is right) then I'd really appreciate it! All your lovely comments is what gives me the confidence to keep writing, so thank you!! :)

She woke up half way through the night, and again she was disappointed to find that Jacob wasn't by her side.

"Jacob?" She called, feeling extremely tired, and cold as she was lying naked on top of the sheets.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She still couldn't see him, but he soon appeared with a blanket that he'd got from the wardrobe. "I was going to put this over you but we can climb in to bed now you're awake," he whispered. Connie smiled, and climbed beneath the quilt, and Jacob joined her at the opposite side. They lay facing each other, and he brought his hand up to cup her cheek.

"I love you," she said.

"I love you too," he replied.

"I can't believe we have to go back to work tomorrow."

"I know," he muttered, as he wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her close. Their legs laced together, and she could feel his length against her thigh. She rested on his shoulder and soon drifted off into a peaceful sleep, mimicking the rise and fall of his chest.

When she woke, she found that he was still entwined with him, and she felt a little childish for clinging to him so much. She felt her wrist stinging a little, and she looked down and found that she had a small mark on each wrist where the tie had been pulling the most. She smiled, and curled into Jacob, remembering the events of the previous night. It wasn't long before the alarm went off (they'd had to set one to prevent them from being late to get ready for work) and this caused Jacob to wake up.

"Ahh, morning sweet cheeks," he groaned, stretching out.

"Good morning Nurse Masters," she replied.

"So I'm back to Nurse Masters now?"

"Considering we're starting work today, I thought it was appropriate. Speaking of, we need to try and maintain as much of a professional relationship as possible." She wasn't ready for people to find out where she'd really been all weekend, and she hoped that he understood.

"Whatever you say goes, Queen Bee."

"Don't you forget it." She turned to roll out of bed, and he moved after her, hoping to encourage her to stay a little longer.

"Say it takes us an hour to pack up, get ready, and get out of here, then we still have two hours to get back home, and get ready for work." He looked at her with a pleading expression, and she had to admit that she certainly didn't want to leave his side. His argument was valid, though she didn't think she would have cared either way, as she found that there was nothing quite as good as morning sex.

"So what would you like me to do, Nurse Masters?"

"Well that's up to you Mrs B," he replied, smiling as she straddled his waist, looking down at him.

"Stay still," she whispered. "I'm on top."


Connie got out of the shower to find that Jacob had packed almost everything into the small backpack that they took on their picnic the previous day. She dried her hair quickly, with the hotels hairdryer, and got changed without allowing herself to be distracted by the incredible man with whom she'd been for the last two days. They climbed in to the taxi that Jacob had ordered, and they went to his first, as his was closer. They pulled up outside his house, and Connie wanted to give him a proper kiss goodbye, to thank him for the two amazing days that they'd spent together, so she climbed out of the car.

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