Chapter Forty Nine

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Sorry about it being so late again - I hope this is just a nice treat for some of you to read before bed, and others for you to wake up to in the morning😊

Connie woke up feeling cold, and she realised that Jacob wasn't with her. It was still dark, and she still had no clothes on, so she stood up to have a look around. She found Jacob stood by the fridge in the kitchen, holding a crying Charlie, and was rocking her back and forth. Connie wrapped her arms around Jacob's waist and smiled as she noticed that he was struggling trying to get Charlie's milk sorted.

"Just pass her here," Connie smiled. ""I'll breastfeed her." Jacob laughed as he passed Charlie over, and soon later, Connie had got her fed and back to sleep. "We need to remember to make up some milk and put it in the fridge for when she needs feeding at night." Jacob smiled, and as they agreed to go to bed, Jacob carried Charlie up to her new room to spend her first night in her cot. Connie sat by her and sang a lullaby, and Jacob looked on at the two beautiful girls. "What?" Connie asked, realising that Jacob was looking at her.

"Don't stop singing, baby," he whispered, and moved over to sit next to her.

"Oh, shut up," she whispered back. Connie and Jacob sat and watched Charlie sleep for a little while before they both managed to leave the room, and clamber into their own bed. "I love you so much, Mr Masters," she said, looking up at the ceiling.

"I love you so much more, Mrs Masters-to-be."

When they next woke up, it was 4am, and Charlie was crying again.

"I'll go," Connie huffed, turning on the bedside light.

"Thank you," Jacob mumbled and rolled back over to face the pillow. He was shattered with everything he'd done recently, and he didn't have the energy to force himself out of bed. Connie came in a few minutes later rocking Charlie, trying to get her back to sleep. "Do you want me to get the cot?" Jacob asked, sitting up in bed watching the pair of them together.

"It might be best for her to sleep in here. It just seems a shame to waste her room."

"She'll be able to use it later on, when she's got through the crying-all-night phase." Connie nodded, and Jacob went out to get the cot. He tried to do it as quietly as possible so not to wake Grace, but it seemed she was already awake anyway.

"Jacob?" She called, just as he moved the cot out of the baby's room. He pushed open her door gently and saw her sat up in her bed.

"What is it sweetheart? Did we wake you moving the cot?"

"No, Charlie woke me before but it's okay. I wanted to ask you something." Jacob sat on the edge of her bed, and tucked her back in.

"Fire away sweetheart," he whispered.

"You're Charlie's real daddy, so it's going to confuse her when she gets older if I call you Jacob, and she's brought up to call you 'dad'." Grace smiled, and Jacob was intrigued to see where this was going. "So is it okay if I call you dad as well?" Grace had said before that she wasn't ready before to call Jacob 'dad', because she had only recently moved away from Sam, but he thought now that she'd find it weird as she'd been calling him 'Jacob' for so long. He didn't mind though - it was all he had wanted for so long, and to hear her ask brought a tear to his eye.

"If you're sure, Gracie," he said, and she nodded excitedly. "I'm honoured to be your daddy," he whispered, encasing her in a huge hug. He sat with her for a while, and then he heard Connie calling him. "I'm with Grace," he called, and she stepped through the door holding little Charlie.

"Are you planning on bringing this cot in any time soon or are you just going to leave me standing around all night?"

"Sorry Con," he said, kissing Grace's forehead and jumping up from her bed. Connie brought Charlie over, as Grace wanted to hold her again, and then they both tucked Grace in before Jacob pulled the cot back into his and Connie's room. They put Charlie in, and as she was already asleep, all Connie and Jacob had to do was climb into bed themselves.

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