Chapter Six

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She walked into the pub a little late. She hadn't known what to wear, and though it was just an informal gathering, she wanted to make an effort, because she knew that Jacob would be around her. She had opted for a thin, white, silky top, that was tied at the bottom and buttoned down half of the front (the top half was left without buttons, and it advertised her cleavage rather well). It didn't have sleeves, just two relatively thin straps, and she wore it with a matching necklace, some long black trousers, and of course, a pair of signature black high heels to top it all off. She'd decided to tie her hair half back, and had clipped some in to place, while allowing the rest to fall down her back and shoulders. She wondered if it would be too much, but upon entering the pub she realised that the rest of the staff were dressed equally formally, so she didn't feel out of place. As soon as she opened the door, she saw Jacob, and his eyes raked over her intently. His burning gaze was quite patronising, because she figured that the rest of the staff must have seen the looks he was giving her. He settled his drink on the bar, and approached her, actually going unnoticed by most of the other staff.

"Woah-oh-oh Mrs B, you're a... wow, you're certainly a pretty woman, aren't ya?"

"Staff nurse Masters, if you could please keep the conversation clean in such a crowded room," she whispered in his ear, pressing herself a little too close to him, and lingering for a fraction too long. She would've done this anyway so she could flirt with him a little more, but it actually also stopped him from seeing the blush that was draining her cheeks. As she walked off, she was more than happy with her arrival, and vowed to find Charlie to let him know she had changed her mind about coming. She soon spotted him across the crowded room, stood with his back to her, talking to some of the other staff.

She was seen by Noel first, and he was stood opposite Charlie, with Honey and Louise.

"Mrs Beauchamp! Didn't expect to see you here!" Noel remarked, and he had a huge, welcoming smile on his face.

Charlie span round at the mention of her name, and looked almost honoured by her presence. "See you changed your mind then," he smiled, offering her a drink.

"Yeah, well, a day away from the paperwork will do me some good." She directed her comment at both men and smiled, taking the glass from Charlie. Louise seemed to look at her with mild disgust, but Connie was soon distracted as Honey piped up.

"I don't know if it's really appropriate, because you're my boss and everything, but that outfit is absolutely stunning Mrs Beauchamp." Connie smiled at the young girl's kind words, and mentally thanked herself for choosing a good outfit.

"Oh, well thank you, and please call me Connie while we're not at work." She took a sip of her drink, and allowed the others to get back to their conversation. "I'm just going outside; I'll see you later."

"Don't stray too far," Charlie warned. "Singing starts soon."

"Oh I am not-" she began to protest, but saw the pressuring eyes of all her peers. "I am not singing!" With that, she turned on her heel and walked towards the back exit. Jacob watched her go, and began to follow her, but Lofty intervened and started talking to him. Connie walked on, and stood confidently against the wall, gazing into the night sky.

The odour of smoke floated by her, and she turned to face the source, only to realise she was stood next to the one and only Zoe Hanna.

"Didn't expect to see you at a work's do." She stated, with quite a reluctant attitude. Unable to break her own promise not to talk much about work, and to try and relax a little, Connie tried to formulate a response.

"Beats sitting in my dining room with endless paperwork and a few glasses of red. Besides, I want to get to know my staff."

"Your staff?!" She almost choked on her cigarette, and Connie rolled her eyes, realising that with Zoe, there was going to be nothing but talk of work.

"Well, since I run the department, they are legally my staff, and I'd like to get to know them."

"What's brought on the change of heart?"

Jacob. I've fallen in love. That's what. She didn't know what to say, so she merely lifted her shoulders and took another sip of her drink. "I don't know." It was as blatant as the sun that she did in fact know, but Zoe accepted the reply nonetheless. It was then an announcement was heard over the speakerphone from indoors: "The clock has struck nine, so it's time to begin this evening's entertainment! With all proceeds going to the hospital fund, in aid of saving even more lives than before, please welcome our first volunteers - Max Walker on guitar with Benjamin Chiltern performing their version of 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen!"

The guitar riff began, and Connie smiled at the ground. Typical for Jacob to make her think he was doing it because he wanted the drinks - if he'd have mentioned that it were raising money, she'd have realised why he was participating. He was such a caring, generous man, and that was one of the things she loved so much about him. She could tell from the time she first met him that he was made to help people, and that was one of the reasons she offered him a job so quickly. That and the fact that she wanted to see him again. Her smile grew wider, thinking about their first meeting.

"I know that look." Zoe sounded threatening, almost ashamed, before suddenly she changed her tone completely and a small smile was resting on her lips. "Is that why you came? Is there someone you're interested in?" She sounded ecstatic, and Connie couldn't hide her sarcastic expression.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Zoe! Am I forbidden to do something because I want to now, or do I have to do it to please someone else?"

"There is someone, isn't there? Else you wouldn't be so defensive! Constance Beauchamp, interested in a mere nurse or doctor, eh?"

Connie had had enough of the accusations - which of course were wholly truthful - so she tried to shut Zoe down quickly.

"There isn't anyone in this department I find myself attracted to, but I need to go. I promised Charlie I'd be back for the performances, so unless you think I'm interested in Charlie, then you should be satisfied." Zoe didn't reply, and let Connie go back inside. The sound hit her instantly, and caused her head to bang a little, but after she saw Jacob it was almost as if the cacophony has dissipated around her. He was stood in the corner at the back of the room, presumably prepping for his song. He signalled for her to come over, and she smirked, walking slowly towards him. He met her towards the end, as if he was desperate to get to her, and the thought made her swoon.

"I have been looking every where for you! I thought you'd gone home!" He exclaimed, ignoring the urge to take her in his arms and hug her tightly.

"I was outside with Zoe. Why were you looking for me?" She folded her arms across her chest - initially just because it was a habit of hers, but then she realised that it exposed more of her cleavage, which made her eyes shine wickedly. He had visibly relaxed, returning to the calm version of Jacob she knew, and she didn't doubt that his eyes betrayed him a few times to take a glimpse at her chest.

"Well, I'm going to be performing in a second, Mrs B. I wanted to make sure you got a front row seat."

"And why's that?" she flirted, shifting her weight on to the opposite leg.

"Just wait and see." He saw the look of concern on her face and grinned. "Trust me, sweet-cheeks."

It Must Be Love - Jacob and ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now