Chapter Forty Seven

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Extra update of the night for you all! Thanks to Imjustafan_girl for asking for it! Also, there's a saucy scene in here, so hope that's alright for you all (connie_masters 😉)!!

It had been two weeks. Two weeks since the accident and Connie was still only remembering parts of her life. Most of what she'd remembered was about Grace, and Jacob was so happy for her as he knew how much Grace and Connie loved each other. She'd remembered how Michael had scammed her, and remembered how she began to work downstairs, and she'd remembered a little about her break up with Sam. Though she hadn't remembered anything about Jacob. He wondered if he wasn't as important to her as the other two were, and that's why she'd remembered them first, but he had to stop himself from thinking like that. Connie was due to go home, as it was supposed to be much better for her at home rather than in a hospital, and while Connie was getting ready, Jacob took Grace outside for a private word.

"Gracie, I'll be at your house a lot, only I won't be sleeping there, okay?"

"Why not?"

"Your mum still doesn't remember me. I've got to prepare myself for the fact that she might never get her memories about me back. I can't impose on her when she's in such a vulnerable state, and besides, I need to be with your sister." Tears had began to form in Grace's eyes. Jacob had supported her through everything and the thought of having to do it on her own was hard for her. She understood his reasoning, and just hugged him.

"Mum will remember you," she said. "She's remembered Sam, and Michael."

"She can't choose what she remembers. It just comes back to her. Do you want to see your sister before you and your mum go home?" Grace nodded, and they began walking up the corridor to where the baby's room was.

"What about your stuff? Are you going to pretend to mum that you never lived with us?"

"I've already got the last of my stuff sweetheart. I'm sorry. I'm not going to pretend anything, I'm just not going to bring it up in conversation."

"It's okay, I understand."

They visited Jacob's daughter, who still didn't have a name as Connie wasn't in a position to help him choose one, and Grace said goodbye as Jacob decided to stay with the baby, rather than going back to Connie. Charlie got them both into the taxi, and that took them home, so Charlie went upstairs to check on Jacob. He was crying, and so Charlie came in with his words of wisdom. He advised Jacob not to give up on Connie, and not to run away when she needed him the most. Jacob reassured Charlie that he was simply letting the girls settle in, then he would go over, and he'd leave to let them settle down for bed. So that's exactly what he did. He went over about an hour later, and Grace was thrilled to see him. Connie was in a sling, because of her broken collarbone, though she still managed to give him a friendly hug. They played games together, and he made all of them tea, while they finished off their game of Scrabble. Connie left to go and take away the plates after tea, and Jacob talked with Grace about a film they could all watch together. She suggested they watched a horror movie, and soon, the pair of them both ended up on the floor in fits of giggles, as Jacob was tickling Grace. Connie saw him from around the kitchen door, and she saw how much he meant to Grace. She was so upset that she couldn't remember her life with both of them, but as she watched them, she felt calmer than she had done for the last few weeks. After sitting down and watching a film of Grace's choice, Connie excused herself to go and get changed for bed. Ten minutes later, Jacob went up to the toilet, and he saw one of his ties on the floor, which reminded of the sex things from the room he had once shared with Connie. He swore under his breath, as he knew that he needed to get them before she noticed them, and so he flushed the chain and went to the room. He walked in, and she jumped immediately, covering her body with some clothes. He stepped out of the room immediately and apologised profusely. He leant up against the door so that he could talk to her, but didn't dare to open it until she said.

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