Chapter Fifty One

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Sorry I haven't updated today! I got this finished last night but fell asleep before I could post it, and today I've been running around getting ready for a New Years Eve Party. Wherever you are, hope you all have a great night, and best wishes to everyone for 2016!

Connie and Jacob were woken in the middle of the night by Charlie screaming in her cot. Connie rolled out of bed without saying a word, and managed to get her back to sleep soon enough, which Jacob was thankful for. Jacob rolled in to face Connie so he could hug her, but she just climbed in and faced the opposite way.

"Are you okay?" He asked, kissing her neck once.

"Just tired," she hummed, and muttered 'I love you' before flicking off their bedside lamp. The next time that Jacob woke up was when his alarm went off at 7am, and he found that Connie was no longer by his side. Charlie wasn't in her crib, and Jacob noticed that Connie's side of the bed was cold, so she hadn't just got out recently. Nevertheless, he got up, and got himself ready, then went downstairs to make himself and Grace some breakfast. That was when he saw the note on the kitchen worktop, with "Jacob" scrawled on the front. He flicked it open and read it: Sorry, called in to the ED. Left at 6am. Love you. xxx He smiled, and ate his breakfast with Grace before dropping her off at school and going into work himself. As soon as he walked into the ED, the doctors there began to give him a lot of weird, almost judgemental looks. He thought that he may have just been paranoid, but then he heard Robyn say, "He doesn't even seem bothered," and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What is with you all, man?" He snapped, getting the attention of everyone around him. After getting no response, he walked off, then turned around and crept up behind Robyn. "Robyn, be my pal. What am I supposed to have done?"

"I don't really know," she said, eager to get to her work and away from Jacob.

"No, no, no, don't give me that."

"I don't know what you've done," she said. "I just know that Mrs Beauchamp came in this morning with tears rolling down her face, and she hasn't left her office since." Jacob immediately turned on the spot and rushed to Connie's office. He tried opening the door but it was locked, and he didn't have a key.

"Connie, it's me. Can I come in?" His display had caused several doctors to gather around him and watch, but he didn't really care. He needed to know that Connie was okay, and what had upset her in the first place.

"I'd prefer it if you didn't, Staff Nurse Masters."

"Why not? Connie, what've I done?"

"Keep your voice down," she scorned, and she unlocked the door. He barged in, then shut it again behind him.

"Is this about last night?" He asked, moving closer to her.

"It's about us." She said. "We're not going to work if we can't trust each other."

"We can trust each other," he protested. "I'd trust you to the ends of the Earth. I trust you with my life, with our kids lives. I trust you with everything I could ever have."

"I thought I could trust you too," she snapped. "But apparently all I'm worth is the money in my bank account."

"What? You're worth so much more to me than that, Connie. When have I ever made you feel otherwise?"

"You haven't," she said, her voice wavering a little. "That's why it hurts so much." She pulled out an envelope, and it had 'Connie' written on the front in Jacob's handwriting. She passed it to him, and he sighed as he knew what was inside, but he opened it and read it anyway. He'd kept it in his underwear drawer so she didn't find it, but clearly she had, and he felt utterly defeated.

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