Chapter Eleven

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"Knock knock," she whispered as she sauntered in to his room. She had adjusted her clothing a little to emphasise her assets, and had touched up her make up. It had been a few hours since he had been in resus, and she wanted to give him time to have a rest before she interrupted him.

"Who's there?" He replied mockingly, each syllable punctuated with a cough or a groan. She stepped around the door, her signature Laboutins clicking along the floor. She wanted to envelop him in a massive hug, and sit with him on the bed for as long as he would let her, but if she was going to do this, she was going to do it properly. By that she meant that she was going to wait until he was well enough not to suspect that she was just taking pity on him, because that definitely wasn't the case. She knew that, deep down, she was also trying to prolong the fact of telling him how she felt, but that was a minor factor and she was eager to ignore it.

"The big bad wolf," Connie flirted as she stepped up to his bed. She saw the way he looked at her, and she knew that if he kept making eyes at her like that then she wasn't going to be able to resist him for very long at all. "Don't worry, I'm still on shift - I'm just checking up on a patient. Business, not pleasure." She felt awful keeping up her strong exterior, when all she wanted was to just, ugh, just let it drop. Along with your clothes then, Constance. She scolded herself for even thinking it, but a part of her wanted to allow herself the pleasure. The pleasurable thoughts of Jacob on top of her, on her bed, and-


"Sorry?" She realised that she had been so deep in thought that she hadn't heard Jacob's response.

"I just asked if it had to be all business, you know." She swore that saw a cheeky grin flash across his face, and for some unbidden reason, she began to walk slowly towards him. Her mind was telling her that it was a bad idea, but she was being pulled across the floor and couldn't stop herself.

"All business, Jacob." She muttered, as she stepped up beside his bed. He reached up and the sight of the tubes in his hand pulled at Connie's heartstrings. He took her small, dainty hand in his, and she tried to pull it away, but he tightened it ever so slightly, causing them to make eye contact. She broke it quickly, and looked down at the bed before anything happened that she couldn't control.

"I wouldn't be here without you," he said, his voice showing his immense gratitude.

"I'm just glad you are," she whispered, and she willed him to let go of her hand so she could leave without any questions asked, but he didn't. He held on to her, and laced his fingers between hers. She looked down at their hands, and admired how perfectly they fit together. "Staff Nurse Masters, if I could have my hand back now, please. I have other, more important, patients to see." He let go of her hand, and she expected him to look upset at her ignorance, but he was still smiling like his usual self.

"I think you'll find I'm the most important patient you'll have to see today." Or ever.

"Well, I beg to differ, Nurse Masters. Anyway, why weren't you resting? Is the bed not comfortable?" She had turned back into the usual Connie - not that he minded, he could flirt with either - but he liked it when she was giving in to her emotions a little.

"Be better with you in it," he smiled, and she looked around to make sure there was nobody listening to their conversation, after slapping him gently on his uninjured arm. "Man just couldn't sleep, you know how it is." She must have given him a puzzled look, indicating that she didn't actually know what he meant, because he explained further. "Got a pretty woman on my mind, Mrs B. Hard to sleep when she's driving you to distraction." Connie rolled her eyes and bit her lip, while shaking her head.

"A pretty woman?" She asked, clearly referencing the song he'd sang to her. "She must be very lucky, Nurse Masters."

"She doesn't know just how lucky she can be yet," he replied sultrily, and he took a sip of water. There was a brief silence while she thought of what to say, and figured that it was best she just left before the flirting got too much.

"So, I'll, I'll see you later?" She didn't know what else to say - she'd stay with him all day if she could.

"I look forward to it, sweet-cheeks," he smirked, before she disappeared out of the ward and back to her shift.

Oh that man. That insatiable man.

It Must Be Love - Jacob and ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now