Chapter Fifty Six

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I'm so sorry this is so late... I have to be honest - I completely forgot! I hope this chapter was (almost) worth the wait!!

She woke up expecting to be back in her own home, with Jacob beside her, and her perfect wedding just another dream away, but as she opened her eyes properly and had a look around at the fabulous decor along the walls and over her bed, she knew exactly where she was. She was actually living her dream. Connie imagined that she'd be tired waking up at 6:30am, as she expected not to have a good sleep since Jacob wasn't next to her, but she felt so lively and energetic, and she just wanted to bound out of bed and get ready for her wedding. She couldn't do that obviously, so she switched off her alarm, as its beeping was getting slightly irritating, turned on the radio, and checked her mobile phone. She had two texts, one from Rita, and one from Jacob, and so she opened Jacob's first.

Good morning, my beautiful wife-to-be (or should that be 'Bon matin, ma belle épouse-à-étre' ??)
I had to let you know before I saw you today that you are the single most amazing person to ever have crossed my life, and I am so glad I get to be the lucky man beside you on this special day. You're smart and conscientious, making you the best role model for our children, and you're understanding and encouraging, making you a perfect fiancée/wife for me. It also helps that you are the hottest woman I've ever laid my eyes upon ;) Basically, I just want to stay how much I love you, and how utterly devoted I am to you, and I want to thank you for being in my life, so... Thank you Connie. Thank you for letting me be here for you. Thank you for saying yes to me for our first date (even though I did have to get shot and pretend to faint to persuade you). Thank you for being the woman who makes me wake up every morning with a smile on my face. Thank you for being you, Connie, because I couldn't imagine my life without you.
I can't wait to call you Mrs Masters - only a few more hours to go :)
You really are everything to me, or - as the French say - "tu es la femme de mes rêves" <3
All my love, J xxxxxx

When she had finished reading his paragraph, and searching the translation to his quote ("You are the woman of my dreams"), she had tears rolling down her cheeks, though the fact that an Adele track was playing on the radio didn't help, and she couldn't even begin to think of a way to match that to make him feel equally as special. She checked what time he had sent it - 6am sharp. She rolled her eyes as she realised that he must have typed it out the previous night, and then sent it first thing in the morning, and it made her feel even more beloved.

Jacob, honey, thank you so much for that beautiful, heartfelt message. There is nothing else that I would prefer to wake up to on our wedding day (besides hearing those words come out of your mouth, but of course I don't want any bad luck).  As a famous French novelist once said, "Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé" (There is only one happiness in life, that's to love and to be loved), and never have I felt more able to relate to something than that. Your very presence never fails to make me smile, and you always make me feel so precious, and so long as I have you - and our children - I will never need anything else. You're the most perfect father, the most perfect nurse, and by far the most perfect man that I could ever hope to marry, so thank you for being everything I could ever ask for, and so much more.
I can't wait to be Mrs Masters, but you do realise that we're getting married at 13:00? It was 7 hours away when you messaged me ;P
You too, my love <3
Can't wait to see you, Con xxxxxxx

P.S. Thank you for my note last night. It was gorgeous, just like you ;) xx

Before she forgot, she decided to check Rita's message, because it was very easy to get distracted when texting Jacob. Rita had sent the message just before Connie had woken up, and it was short and sweet.

Happy Wedding Day, Connie! So Zoe and I are coming with Grace and Charlie up to your room at 8:30, right? Do you want us to bring up the wedding stuff we have?

It Must Be Love - Jacob and Connieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن