Chapter Fifty Two

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As soon as she opened the door, she was hit by the beautiful aroma of sweet, fresh flowers, and she saw that rose petals were scattered across her bedroom floor. Lighting the room was about twenty tea lights, all evenly spread around the outskirts of the room, each one emitting a soft, warm glow, creating the perfect ambiance for such a relaxed scene. As she breathed in the gorgeous smell, she felt two firm hands clasp her waist from behind, and then rub her hips softly.

"You weren't supposed to come in here yet," Jacob whispered, his voice caressing every muscle in her body. She leant back into him and smiled, and he kissed her exposed neck delicately.

"What's the occasion?" She dared to ask, enjoying how his hands secured her.

"You," he whispered. "You being the wonderful person that you are is enough to celebrate." Connie smiled, and Jacob guided her over to the bed, which was also scattered with rose petals. There was a cushion in the centre that she'd never seen before - a love heart, and he instructed her to lie above it, resting her pelvis across it.

"What are you going to do?" She asked, but he'd already disappeared out of the room and gone to the kitchen. He came back in soon later with a white towel and his mobile phone, and Connie was still a little confused.

"What music do you want? Ideally something relaxing." He passed the phone over to her, and rather than searching for music, she got some of those deep relaxation sounds, like the sound of rain, or the sound of waves. She switched it on and let out a long breath of relaxation as it started, and she only knew what he was about to do when he placed the towel over her behind. He placed another pillow underneath her ankles, to support her lower back, and then he asked her if he could start. She nodded, and so - quite unexpectedly - he picked up one of her feet and began to slowly rub it. He massaged the arch of her foot, then moved onto the ball, and then back down the arch again. After repeating this several times, he rubbed across her toes, then gently pulled each one in turn, before repeating the actions on her other foot. After finishing there, he brushed his fingertips lightly up her calf to stimulate her, and continued right up to her upper thigh. He moved back the calf, kneading from the ankle upwards, then repeated the action on the upper thigh and then on the other leg.

"Is this okay, baby?" He whispered, softly, massaging her legs in slow, circular motions.

"Mmm," she hummed, unable to speak at all because she was just in a state of complete mental repose.

After finishing with her legs, he got some massage oil in between his hands, and rubbed it until it was a little warmer, before placing it on her back. To spread the oil, he used long, slow, gliding movements, and moved it all the way up the middle of her back, around her shoulders, then down the sides, before repeating this again. He moved his hands up to her neck and used his thumbs to rub the base, then moved across to the shoulders, and repeated again.She had been so tired, and sore, so she was so thankful that Jacob was such a good masseur. He started kneading her back with his fingertips, meant to relax the muscles underneath, and he moved his hands symmetrically up her back, before moving onto hitting her back repetitively with the side of his hand, in order to stimulate her muscles. He continued this, before going back to rubbing her like he did at the beginning, making sure to rub her shoulders and her neck equally.

"Can you roll over for me, baby?" He hushed, and she began to move. He helped to stabilise her, and then placed the towel that was previously over her arse over her crotch instead, and placed another across her breasts. He picked up one of her arms and began to massage down the full length, rubbing it slowly in long, passionate strokes. After finishing with both arms, he rolled her onto her side, and pushed her top leg out so it was bent and resting away from her other one, exposing her bum and thigh. He leant just underneath her hip bone, pushing down gently to relieve some of the tension, and repeated this several times, before rolling her completely on her face again, and moving up the backs of her thighs to massage her firm, toned cheeks. He used his thumbs mostly, moving from the centre to the sides, and then began with the small circular movements. After finishing there, he rolled her back over, and just massaged her head a little before he finished. He ran his long fingers up her scalp and kneaded them against her head lightly, and he rubbed her temples and her forehead too. He then planted a delicate kiss to her lips, and she was so sleepy that she struggled to open her eyes.

It Must Be Love - Jacob and ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now