Chapter Seventeen

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"Surprise," Jacob whispered, caressing her shoulders softly from behind.

"You mean?" Connie couldn't believe that Jacob would do this for her, especially on their first date.

"Oh yeah," he whispered. She rolled her head back to rest on his chest, and closed her eyes. It took her back to the last time he had massaged her - in her office. She moaned in approval, and he leant forward to kiss her neck.

"What about work?" She asked, half-heartedly.

"You may have just caught the bug that's been going round. I wasn't supposed to be in anyway, so no one will suspect a thing." He saw her smile, and he was glad that she wasn't mad. Out of all the things he'd done for her, this was the part he was least looking forward to, as he knew how much she liked work, and he didn't know if it was too bold of him to assume that she wanted to stay with him.

"You're wonderful, you know that?"

"I try my best." Connie opened her eyes, and Jacob dropped his hands. She turned around to face him, huge smiles spread across their faces.

"What about the waiter?" She asked. "You asked for directions to the toilet, and he sent you here."

"I sorted it, Mrs B. Telling you, I thought of everything."

"What am I going to wear?" She asked, once it had finally sunk in that she was staying here, with Jacob, for the next few days. He took her hand and walked over to the wardrobe, trying to divert her eyes from the bed, as there was a gift sat in the centre that he wanted her to open later on in the evening. He swung open the doors of the wardrobe, revealing a few of his jeans and t-shirts from home, and a selection of new, stylish clothes that he'd bought for Connie.

"If they don't fit, or you don't like them, then we can take them back, and you can choose your own outfits, but I just thought that these would make a decent start." He was going to carry on, and tell her that he'd also bought underwear and a swimsuit, but he decided against that when he saw the expression on her face. His heart fell as he saw that Connie had tears in her eyes. "Oh, I'm so sorry," he whispered, and he reached around to shut the doors.

'No," she muttered. "It's perfect, Jacob. I love them." His mood brightened and he was so happy that she liked it, but if that was the case, then why was she crying? "I don't know what I've ever done to deserve you."

"You don't deserve me? Sweet-cheeks, I think it's me who doesn't deserve you." He hugged her for a solid few minutes, and she looked back through the clothes. There was one pair of skin tight jeans, and she smirked to herself knowing that he'd kill to see her in those. There were trousers, and then a low cut camisole top, and a little more fancy top. She felt his hands creep round her waist, and she leant in to his touch.

"I don't suppose you bought me any pyjamas, did you?" Connie asked, smirking, hoping to make him a little embarrassed.

"Open the drawer underneath," he whispered in her ear, biting her ear lobe playfully. He stepped back, and allowed her to bend down and take a look in the drawer, which contained the underwear, the swimsuit, and - to her surprise - a thin, cotton nightie. She picked it up and held it up - it was a baby pink colour, and had small cartoon sheep over it saying, "I'm the boss!". She smiled fondly, as she noticed the underwear too - sexy yet stylish. He was so prepared.

"I couldn't resist it," Jacob laughed when he saw her reaction to the nightgown. He stepped behind her again, though this time his hands didn't rest on her waist, but moved to the top of her neck, and began to unzip her dress slowly. "Just like I can't resist you," he whispered sultrily. She felt her knees weaken as she became more and more aroused, and his hands continued to move down her body with the zip. It stopped at the base of her back, so she turned to face him once more.

"Stopping there, Nurse Masters?" Connie whispered, with a devilish glint in her eye, and she took one of the straps off her shoulder, encouraging him to continue. He took the hint, and placed a kiss to her other shoulder as he removed the dress, and allowed it to fall to the floor. She was now stood in front of him wearing nothing but her matching underwear, and he tried not to let his eyes deceive him too much. He tried to keep to his promise of no sex tonight, because he really wasn't in the mood either, but it was difficult when Connie was such a gorgeous woman. She stepped out of her dress, and reached round to unclip her bra, still facing Jacob, and allowed that to fall to the floor too. She picked up the nightdress, and slipped it over her slim frame, and both were glad to see that it fit perfectly. It was only thin, so Jacob could still see pretty much everything through it, but Connie didn't mind.

After that, he got changed, and they both got themselves ready for bed using the toiletries provided. Jacob used the bathroom, while Connie removed her make up and hung up her dress, then Connie used the bathroom while Jacob got changed. He hung up his suit, and just stayed in his boxer shorts, and sat on the bed to present Connie with the gift that she still hadn't noticed. When she came out of the bathroom, she didn't know what to think. She saw that man - that gorgeous man - sitting on the bed waiting for her. His boxer shorts were tight, and didn't leave much to the imagination, and the ripples in his chest were enough to make Connie swoon.

"Liking what you see, sweet-cheeks?" He chuckled, noticing her staring, and she flushed bright red. She approached him slowly, and sat on the other side of the bed. "Here, I bought you a present."

"A present? You've bought me far too much today, Jacob."

"This is only something small," he protested. He handed her a red and white striped box, with a ribbon on the top, and a gift tag. The gift tag simply read: I love you. A huge smile broke out on Connie's face, and she decided to open the box. She removed the lid, and carefully opened two sheets of tissue paper, before pulling out a teddy bear. She was momentarily confused, but then she realised that the teddy bear was holding a heart shaped pillow, which had, "Sweet-cheeks" stitched on the front.

"I love you, Connie." Jacob whispered, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. She stared at the teddy, it's cute eyes and it's cute mouth, and then it's really cute heart-pillow. She had never been one to like things like that, but the way Jacob did it made it so special that she couldn't feel anything but love, and gratitude. She put the teddy on the bedside table, and looked at Jacob over her shoulder.

"Thank you," she said, and he swept down to steal a kiss from her lips. He crawled in to bed, and Connie did the same. She smiled as the sheets were crisp and cold, just as she liked them to be, and she rolled over to rest on Jacob's chest. They turned out the light, and were left in the dark, but neither could sleep, as they were too busy smiling. She was curled up on his chest, her hand caressing his muscles, and his arms were wrapped around her, keeping her by his side. "Jacob?" she whispered, hoping he hadn't drifted off to sleep.

"Connie," he replied.

"I've never felt this in love before." She continued to whisper, as if she didn't want anyone else to hear, and she sensed that Jacob smiled.

"Neither have I."

"I can't thank you enough for doing all this."

"I can't thank you enough for coming. You're my everything, Constance." She couldn't formulate a reply, because no man had ever said that to her before. Her husband had been loving at first, but had soon turned quite controlling, and had attempted to ruin her career. She shuddered at the thought of Michael - she didn't want to ever be anywhere near him again, and she certainly didn't want to think about him when she was so happily in bed with Jacob. She curled up closer to Jacob's chest, and pulled the covers up around her neck. There was no chance she was going to let thoughts of Michael ruin this amazing night - she was in love, and she deserved to enjoy it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to get more up as soon as possible!

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