Chapter Thirty Seven

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"It's positive." They affirmed, in perfect unison. They gaped at each other, and Connie suddenly sprang up and threw her arms around Jacobs neck. "I'm pregnant!" She gasped, a huge smile on her face. She was sat across his knee, her legs at either side, and was squeezing him tightly to her.

"And you're okay with that?" He asked. He was so happy, but he needed to make sure she was too. She was the love of his life - he was sure - he needed her to be happy.

"Oh Jacob, I'm thrilled." She couldn't speak very loudly at all, as she was so shocked. They rocked backwards and forwards, gripping each other desperately. When they stopped, she leant back slightly so she could gaze into his eyes, and she moved her hands up to grip the back of his head. Without warning, she pressed her mouth to his passionately, but with such force that he shifted backwards and almost lost his balance, causing them to break their  embrace.

"Come on," he laughed. "Let's get back to bed." They stood up together, giggling, still holding the pregnancy tests, and went back to their bed. They clambered in, and she immediately curled up into his chest with the sheets around her neck, gazing up at the ceiling. They sat like that for a short while, his fingers tracing the outline of her ear, with huge smiles on both of their faces.

"I'm pregnant." She smiled, holding the test in the air. It seemed ridiculous that such a simple thing could hold so much joy for the pair of them, but Connie felt almost reluctant to let go of it. Jacob clasped one of his hands around Connie's, and kissed her knuckles in turn.

"I'm gonna be a dad." He laughed. It had been something that he'd wanted for such a long time, and he had been thinking about it recently with Connie, though he hadn't wanted to tell her in fear of scaring her off. The whole concept of spending the rest of his life with her amazed him, and he didn't want to ever let her go. Though her pregnancy had been an accident, and they'd originally thought it was going to be a bad thing, Jacob honestly wanted nothing more than to show this beautiful woman just how much she was loved, and how much she deserved his love. He hadn't noticed that he was staring into space, so he broke the silence. "How are you going to tell Grace?"

"We both know that the early stages of pregnancy are where most complications occur, so I don't want to get her hopes up, and then have to disappoint her. How about we tell her at Christmas? It's only a couple of months away, and it gives us a chance to break through that stage." He nodded - it seemed logical, though he knew that she was just scared to say anything about the pregnancy. Getting her to feel comfortable with their relationship going public had been hard enough - he didn't think that she'd be up for publicising the fact that she was pregnant. He didn't want to push her at all - he could cope with things happening as slowly as Connie wanted them to, for he wanted to support her as best he could.

"What about telling the other staff?" He dared to ask. Connie shifted uncomfortably. The last thing she needed after everything that had happened between them was for the whole department knowing she was pregnant, especially when she'd only recently been accused of neglecting her other child.

"Perhaps we don't have to tell them," Connie smiled, half-heartedly.

"I think they're going to notice, in later months." Jacob laughed.

"Maybe not. I can work up until it begins to show, then wear looser tops as it shows a little, and I can take my maternity leave much earlier. Tell the staff I'm going to work in another department for a while." Jacob looked at Connie, and though it was dark, she could read his facial expression quite clearly. "I don't want them to think any less of me, okay?" She sighed in defeat. "Can we just leave this conversation until another day? I want to enjoy being alone with you right now." He nodded, and settled back down to hold her, his hands instinctively moving over her waist. He moved his fingers in slow, gentle circles across her soft skin, and the actions soon made her feel quite drowsy.

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