Chapter Fourteen

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There's a couple of long chapters coming up, so I hope you stick with it!

It was ten to seven when Jacob (and the sleek limousine he'd hired) pulled up outside her house, or rather, her absolute mansion of a house. Jacob was completely dumbfounded - how can one woman who lives alone have such a large and expensive house? Jacob got out of the car, thanking the driver, and adjusted his suit. He still couldn't believe he was doing this. He was wearing a suit for a date? But it wasn't just any date after all - it was a date with Connie Beauchamp. He got the bouquet of red roses from the back seat of the car, along with the box of expensive chocolates that he'd wrapped up for her, and began to walk up to the door. He would've got her wine, but had absolutely no idea what she liked. Hopefully, he'd find that out this evening. He reached the door quicker than he thought, and it was then he realised that he was truly nervous. He knocked.

If the house had him dumbfounded, words couldn't describe how he felt when she opened the door. Connie was wearing a deep purple dress - amethyst he thought, though shades of colours had never been his strong point - with matching high heels. The dress fell in to a deep V-Neck shape, and was decorated with a thick strip of black lace around the waist. Her hair was pinned up, with one spiral falling down her face at either side, and the earrings she wore matched both her dress and necklace perfectly - they hung down to her neck and were decorated with a series of very small silver studs. She had her purse - a black clutch - and she looked at Jacob like she was a shy young girl.

"You look, you look... oh Mrs B." She laughed at his awkwardness, and took this opportunity to admire his jawline. He was wearing a light grey suit, and she was so glad that she hadn't overdone it.

"You're not too bad yourself," she commented.

"Here, I bought you these." He passed her the roses and the chocolates, and Connie smiled.

"Come in." She said. "I'll just put these in some water." She turned to go and get a vase, and Jacob signalled 'One minute' to the driver as he stepped inside. The house was just as stylish and modern on the inside as it was on the out, and he immediately felt awkward. He could barely afford what he was doing for her tonight, while she's living this lavish lifestyle. He was broken from his daydream when he heard her voice again. "I'll bring you back here one night," she purred. He snapped back in to reality and looked at her, hoping that that night was sooner rather than later.

"How can you want me?" He whispered. He didn't want to kill the mood, but he had to know. "You live here, and you're so... so utterly beautiful. How can you want someone like me?"

She was quite taken aback with his nervousness. This wasn't the Jacob she knew, and she had never wanted to make him feel like that. "I can't choose who I fall in love with, Jacob," she whispered, putting her arms around his neck. "But even if I could, I'd still choose you. I love you, because you make me laugh, you're extremely handsome, and you give me butterflies whenever you speak to me."


She answered him by reaching up on her tip toes, and planting a soft, passionate kiss on his lips. Neither tried to deepen it, they were both just so happy to be so close to each other. They broke away, and Connie took Jacob's hands and laced their fingers together. She stepped out of the house with him, and it was then she saw the limousine which caused her to stop dead in her tracks. Her mouth fell open. Jacob smiled at her reaction, and walked down the steps, never allowing her to let go of his hand. She continued walking, until she was back by his side.

"Jacob?" She asked, begging him to explain. It was then the driver stepped out of the car, and opened the back seat. Connie and Jacob approached the car, and Connie stood in confusion for a while. "I thought you said we were going to dinner!"

"All in good time," he teased, touching her nose lightly with the tip of his finger.

"Good evening, ma'am," the driver smiled, encouraging Connie to get in the car. She looked at Jacob, who shrugged.

"You said you wanted a chauffeur, I said you deserved the world." Jacob whispered, and placed his hand on the small of Connie's back as she climbed in. Jacob got in beside her, and they sat with their hands together. The car purred in to action, and the driver began to turn away from Connie's house. She had no idea where they were going, but she no longer cared. She hadn't felt this happy and content in a long time, and she knew that whatever Jacob had planned was bound to be perfect, just like he was.

31 minutes later, they pulled up somewhere. They had been unable to see where exactly they were going, as the windows had been covered in the car, so not to ruin Jacob's surprise. They hadn't cared of course, as they were able to sit with the light on in the limousine, talking aimlessly, and drinking champagne. Now, that they'd stopped, Connie could barely contain her excitement to see where Jacob had brought her. As she stepped out of the car, he kept his hands over her eyes to stop her from seeing where she was.

"Jacob, can you- can you let go?"

"Soon, just step to the right a little." She did so, and he positioned her so that - when she opened her eyes - she'd get the best view of their final destination. "Are you ready?" He asked, knowing full well that she couldn't wait to see.

"Yes! Jacob, I'm ready, please!" He laughed at her desperation, and finally dropped his hands to settle them instead on her waist. He stood behind her, with his head by her shoulder, watching her reaction. She saw the large house, which was breathtakingly beautiful, yet unpretentious also, and her mouth formed a perfect 'o'. She didn't know how many times Jacob was going to be able to blow her away this evening, but he'd made a good start. The dark had fallen, but their destination was illuminated by the soft, warm lights around. There were several couples sat outside having dinner, and there was some gentle orchestral music playing in the distance. The car had parked facing the top of a long stretch of luscious green grass, and the house was at the bottom. There was a cobbled path sheltered by innumerable trees to the side, and Connie swore that she could smell delicious roasted food.

"So?" Jacob whispered, planting a couple of kisses to the inside of her neck.

"It's beautiful," she replied, utterly astonished.

"Just like you, then." He kissed her neck again.

"Flattery gets you nowhere, Nurse Masters."

"It wasn't flattery, just a fact." He kissed her neck once more, and lingered to inhale the sweet scent of her perfume, before straightening up and taking her hand. "So, you ready for dinner Mrs B?"

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