Chapter Thirteen

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So the majority of this chapter is texting, and I'm sorry it's a bit short, but the next update should be up soon too☺️ It took me a long while of researching, but the address in here is actually a place in South Wales, so if you have time, I suggest you check it out online - it's really beautiful! The place where the dinner is set in the next chapter is actually 30 miles away from this house as well, so I've tried to make it as Geographically accurate as possible! Still, I'm not from Wales, and have never actually been, so the description is purely based from Google.

Connie had taken the liberty of giving Jacob her number, so he could text her the details, and she was at home at 5pm worrying herself silly. After drinking her coffee, she stood and made her way to the bathroom. The shower turned on and in seconds, the room was filled with a light, warm cloud of steam. She stepped out of her dressing gown - which she had draped over her shoulders after getting out of her uniform - and proceeded into the shower. The hot water cascaded down her body, soothing every aching muscle, and she allowed herself to just stand there for a few minutes, allowing the water to completely engulf her. She soon heard her phone beep, and the screen lit up through the steam, so she began to quickly get herself washed just incase it was Jacob.

With one towel around her body, and another around her head, she picked up the phone and checked her messages. When she read it, she read it in his voice, and the thought made her smile.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks, can I pick you up at 7pm tonight? I love you too, by the way <3 xxx"

She texted back immediately - part of her was longing to ask him where they were going, but the other part liked the suspense. She figured that they'd just be going to the restaurant not far from the ED, and that he wanted to pick her up anyway, but she thought that perhaps he may have something else planned, from the way he was acting.

"I'm getting a chauffeur as well, am I? I'll see you at 7 :) And when did I say I loved you? ;) xxxx"

When he read her text, he smiled boldly. It was half past five, which meant he had less than two hours to get all his plans sorted. He had planned to take her somewhere extravagant, and the ideal place was a little distance away, but he knew that literally going the extra mile (or an extra 30 miles) was definitely going to be worth it. Before he had chance to reply, another message came through his phone.

"This is my address, you'll need it in a couple of hours :) 77 Newton Road, Mumbles, SA3 4BN xxx"

"You could have the world if you asked for it sweet-cheeks; a chauffeur is nothing. I believe you said it when I 'fainted' ;P I didn't get much chance to say it back, but I mean every word<3 & thanks for the address, I wont take advantage of it ;) xxxx"

She smiled at that text and rolled her eyes at him, before replying again:

"I suppose I love you too ;) Jacob, what do you want me to wear tonight?"

"Tonight? Ideally, nothing ;P xxx"

"Oh shut up, I'm being serious!<3"

"So was I ;) but you'll look flawless in whatever you wear, so it doesn't matter<3"

"Thank you for being so helpful in that matter<3"

"I'll make up for it by being helpful when you're taking it off ;) xxxx"

"Jacob! :o I'm still your boss, I could discipline you!"

"This night seems to be getting better and better ;) xxx"

"Jacob, I need to get ready, unless you want me to be late for our first date!<3"

"Alright, go then! I can't wait to see you sweet-cheeks :) x"

"Nor I you."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Not as much as I love you."


"Sorry ;)"

She eventually managed to put down her phone, unable to wipe the huge smile from her face, and she set about getting ready. She knew tonight was going to be good, and she didn't care where he was going to take her, because just being with him made it all okay. She moved into her bedroom, and started looking in her wardrobe. She glanced vaguely at her one pair of ripped jeans, and smirked. He said she'd look gorgeous in whatever she wore, so opting for jeans and t-shirt was incredibly tempting, but she really wanted to blow him away. She already knew that this was going to be a difficult decision, but if there was one thing that Connie Beauchamp had way too much of, it was outfits, so she knew that she'd find the perfect one eventually.

It Must Be Love - Jacob and ConnieWhere stories live. Discover now