Chapter Twelve

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I'm sorry for the late update!! I've been ill recently and there's been a lot work I needed to get done for school, but this chapter is a nice treat for all you lovely people❤️

"Thank you, but I can manage." He said, after fumbling around a little.

Connie hadn't been to see Jacob for a few days, knowing if she saw him too much, the staff would only gossip, and she didn't know what to say to him anyway. But hearing his voice outside her office was too hard to resist; he was up and walking, and dear God she wanted him. She had moved to the front of her office in a matter of seconds, and swung open the door just as he was about to knock. She hadn't seen his face for days, so the second she saw him, a huge smile spread across her face. He saw the twinkle in her eye and returned it.

"Good to see you're on the mend, Staff Nurse Masters. Would you mind coming in to my office?"

"I'd come anywhere you asked me to Mrs B," he replied, stepping in to her office smirking. Her mouth fell open, but she was unable to scold him because she was just so happy that her flirtatious man was back. She shut the door behind him while he stood by her desk. After shutting the door, she moved and stood opposite him. "So," he began. "I was hoping you'd had time to reconsider my offer of dinner." Connie felt her heart drop. She wanted to agree when he had fully recovered! If she said yes now, it would look as though she was taking pity on him and that was the last thing she wanted. She felt awful at having to decline him again, but it would benefit them both in the long run, she knew. She was so scared. He was the first man she'd been interested in for years, and she still couldn't get her head around why he was interested in her at all, when there were younger, prettier people out there - many who even worked in the same department!

"I thought you said you only asked once - I believe this is your third attempt," she whispered.

"Man's just had a near-death experience, Con. Forgive me if I want the most out of my life after being shot." She hated the pet name, but it wasn't that that really interested her. I want the most out of my life. Did he mean her? Why was taking her out to dinner making the most of his life? She was just about to ask him what he had meant, but he fell in a heap in front of her. It took her a while to register what had happened, but she crouched to his side immediately, checking for a pulse. Thankfully she located one, so figured he was experiencing a seizure, or had fainted.

"Oh you stupid man, why do you have to do this? I fall in love and this is what happens..." She hadn't even realised what she'd said, and was about to sprint out of the door and get some help before she realised that he had sat up in front of her. She was on her knees, tears threatening to pour down her face yet again, but she stayed strong, and looked at the man sat before her. "You're alright? How are you al-"

She was cut off by him, but differently than she had been before because he wasn't talking. He had his hands on her face, holding her in place, and his mouth was pressed to hers fiercely. Oh, she knew she should break away, but how could she? He loosened his grip on her head and one of his hands weaved in to her hair. His tongue copied the demonstrations of his hand, weaving its way into her mouth. She knew she should have fought it, but she didn't have the power. She surrendered herself to him, her tongue matching his, creating a slow and sensual dance. It was passionate; it was desperate; it was all they'd ever wanted. They were beginning to get lost in the kiss - the emotions of love, and fear, and lust, and anticipation, were all being poured in to this one kiss, and it was magical. Not long later, a knock at the door startled them both, and they sprung apart immediately. The door creaked open, and Rita's annoying voice crept its way in.

"I just came by to-"

"No!" Connie shouted, in a panic. She glanced over at Jacob whose eyes were wide, shocked at the way Connie had just shouted at Rita. "No, not now, Staff Nurse Freeman. Do not come in," she continued, a little more calmly, but still snappy.

"Alright, I'll give the paperwork to Zoe then." Rita replied sarcastically, leaving the door open ajar and walking off.

Connie stood, slamming the door shut, and brushed herself off, before reaching her hand down to help Jacob up. He smirked and stood on his own, sorting out his trousers while Connie adjusted her stethoscope. She coughed a couple of times, trying to formulate some words, and finally spoke.

"So, Staff Nurse Masters, recovering quickly then. I see you had no problems retaining your flirty, arrogant persona." Her sharp tongue would've wounded him, but he saw the smirk on the corner of her mouth, and the slightly smudged lipstick mark to join it, which stopped him from feeling completely rejected.

"I need an experts opinion," he began, continuing her act. "What would you rate my erm, flirty, arrogant behaviour?"

"I don't have much to go on, Staff Nurse Masters."

"Do I need to demonstrate again, Mrs Beauchamp?" Please do. She knew she wanted to, but she couldn't accept his offer; she was on shift - it was so unprofessional. "It's fine," he said, looking a little defeated. "I understand if you want me to go."

"Jacob," she sighed wearily. It struck her then that that's exactly what she was; weary! She had enjoyed the chase for so long, so much so that she hadn't wanted to end, but she'd been caught now, and all she wanted now was to settle down and allow herself to feel comforted. "I'd love to go to dinner with you, on the condition that I pay - after the way I've treated you these last few weeks, I think the least you deserve out of me is a meal."

"I'll have to decline then, Mrs B. Either I pay, or we don't go. It's the first chance I've got to please my woman." She didn't like a lot of the names he called her, but when he called her his woman, she felt the butterflies rise in her stomach. She knew that she should have probably stood her ground a little longer, but in all honesty, nothing was going to stop her from going out to dinner with this marvellous man, so there was no point in denying him any longer.

"Well in that case, you'd better hope dinner goes well, so you get the chance to find out how else to please me." She whispered the last clause seductively in his ear as she brushed past him, and exited her office. He followed her out immediately, but went the other way so not to cause suspicion. She'd agreed to dinner, and in his books, that was the first stage in getting what he really wanted, and he could hardly wait.

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