Chapter Forty One

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Just going to say sorry in advance - this chapter is really just a filler, and it helped me make sense of the plot when I was writing it. Special thanks to everyone who has been reading this - I'm so glad you like it so far!

Two months passed, and both Connie and Jacob had adapted well to living together permanently. The first few weeks went extremely smoothly, but it was proving more difficult now, as they were trying to do their Christmas Shopping. With work, they had very little time to get things ready for Christmas, but they had tried their best to get things ready as early as possible. Jacob finished his course, and he was due to get the results of his exam back in another four or five months, when they had all been marked, and re-marked. Connie had gone for her first two scans, and as she'd wanted to keep it quiet from the rest of the staff in the department, she decided to go to Saint James' rather than risk being seen in Holby. The results from both were perfect, and the baby was growing healthily at a steady rate. Of course Connie knew this, but the doctors told her that it was important that she didn't stress out over Christmas. This was going to be hard, as Connie was inviting her mother down (her father had died some years before), and Jacob had also asked his mum and sister to join them. Connie had been emailing her mother, as she always did, and she was really excited to meet Jacob, as Connie had never said anything but great things about him. Jacob's mother was a little apprehensive at first and hoped that Jacob wasn't using Connie because of her position, but she was reassured by both Jacob and his sister that this certainly wasn't the case. Rather than meeting Connie, Jacob's mum was more excited to meet Grace - she said she'd always wanted a grandchild, whether they be biologically related or not. Jacob had wanted to tell her so badly that Connie was two months pregnant, but they agreed that they were all going to make the announcement together. It was a week before Christmas, and they had just come out of the hospital after getting their third scan. Neither could stop smiling, and were walking out of the hospital with their arms around each other. They had the rest of the day off, and this was the day that they said they'd go and do their Christmas shopping, as Grace had had a sleepover at a friends house, and was stopping there for tea, so there was no rush to get back. Their ultrasound scan had been as early as they could get it - 6am - and by seven, they were sat in the car heading off to start shopping.

"I'm so happy," Connie said eventually, neither of them being able to stop smiling. They had gotten two copies of the scan photo, and a DVD too. "When do you want to tell Grace? I don't want to tell her with everyone else. I thought perhaps Christmas Eve?"

"Do you think she'll be happy about it?"

"She's always asking us if we're going to get married and have kids. I think she'll be happy with it."

"We might be able to find out the sex at the five month scan. Do you think you'll want to know?"

"I don't know," Connie laughed. "Do you have a preference?"

"I've always wanted a little girl, but no, I don't have a preference." They both chatted for a short while, before they arrived at the train station. Jacob checked the time - half past seven - and got out of the car quickly. Connie was a little confused, but he had asked her at the start of the day if she would trust him to take her somewhere for shopping, and she had agreed, so she couldn't go back now. He made sure he had everything, including a brown-leather cross body bag, and put twelve hours on the car in the car park. Connie wondered why he needed so long, but she didn't have much time to think as he guided Connie into the train station, and he jogged over to reception which was thankfully empty.

"Masters," he said, when she asked his name. "I made a booking online at about 6:15am."

"Ah, yes." The receptionist said, looking at the computer. "Two first class tickets to-"

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