Chapter Thirty Eight

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They soon got up and got dressed, after having a short discussion about their future, and they made themselves a nice, warm breakfast, while they awaited Grace's arrival. Connie was sat on a stool in the kitchen, watching Jacob as he fried some bacon. His own meals typically came out of the microwave, but when he was with Connie, he loved to make an effort. This morning was going to be bacon and eggs on toast, and Connie complimented him as the smell drifted over to where she was sat.

"If I'd have known you could cook this well I'd have said yes to you a long while ago," she smiled. He was about to reply when Connie's phone began to buzz, and she apologised as she stood up to take the call. Once she saw the Caller ID, Connie left the room, and Jacob wondered for a second why she was being so secretive, but passed it off as a work matter. All he heard was Connie laughing, and her saying, "He doesn't know yet." Jacob smiled. Was she talking about him? Was there something that he should know? He trusted her to tell him when the time was right so he just continued making the breakfast.

"Anything important?" He asked casually when Connie sauntered back in to the kitchen.

"Grace. They expect to be back at about 4ish tonight." She placed her phone on the marble table, and walked up behind him, slipping her arms around his waist and running her fingers over his tight muscles. She kissed his neck twice, before resting her head against his back and hugging him tightly. She hummed in content, before standing back and allowing him to turn and face her.

"You're gorgeous," he whispered huskily, placing his hands on her cheeks. "I couldn't live without you."

"Well it's a good job you're never going to have to then, isn't it?" He pecked her nose, causing her to screw it up, and they began to laugh together.

"So what are we going to do until Grace gets back?" Jacob asked. He had one more day with Connie alone, and while he couldn't wait to settle in with Grace, he loved having Connie on her own too.

"There are so many things," Connie sighed, teasing him. "There's a free bed in the back room, a couch, and a kitchen worktop that we still haven't had sex on. We also have a whip that we haven't tried out yet," she flirted.

"I don't think I'd feel right whipping my pregnant girlfriend," Jacob said coolly, making Connie smile. She knew he was joking, but she stopped hugging him nonetheless, pretending to be insulted.

"Likelihood is that I was pregnant when you had me bound to the pipe in the on call room, and we both know how intense that was." That caused them both to chuckle, and Jacob wrapped his arms loosely around her.

"I think we should go shopping." He stated simply. Connie laughed in disbelief. "Seriously, I was looking through your fridge for breakfast, and you haven't really got that much in."

"Are you suggesting we do grocery shopping?" Connie was so confused. However, she had to admit that he had a point. "I do want to get some food in so Gracie can have her favourite meal when she gets home. We do need some other stuff too I suppose."

"You're turning me all domestic," Jacob laughed in response. He turned around to see that the bacon he had been frying was a little overcooked, and so he pulled it off the heat immediately. He served it up just as he knew she liked it, and passed a plate over to her before speaking again. "Not that I'm complaining."

"Nor me." Connie smiled, taking a bite out of her breakfast. She saw him begin to wash up the pan at the sink, and he moved to the second drawer to find a tea-towel. "You do know that that's what the dishwasher is for, right?" She laughed.

"What's the point in waiting when I can have it done?" He asked, and she admired the way that he knew exactly where everything was in her home. Their home, she mentally corrected herself. Though he hadn't officially moved in, it was hard to imagine her home without him now.

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