First Day

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Karasuma-sensei walked in and stood at the front of the classroom.

"Today you will be meeting a new student."

When the students of class 3-E heard the news they began to whisper.

"Another one?"

"They're probably another trained assassin."

"Do you think they'll be as scary as Ritsu-san?"

Karasuma-sensei just watched as they class speculated about the new student. He waited until they quieted down a bit before he continued.

"You may come in now."

A young slender girl walked in. She was dressed in a black school uniform and wore glasses. The students immediately noticed her hair, her bangs on her left side was died bright red.

"Introduce yourself."

There was a sense of hostility in Karasuma-sensei's voice toward the girl, but she completely ignored him.

"My name is irrelevant. Just call me K."

She spoke with assertiveness and arrogance, she didn't seem to care about anyone.

She sat in a free seat slightly behind Karma Akabane. But as soon as class had started she fell asleep.

"Heeyy, if she doesn't wake up she'll never kill Koro-sensei."

Karma spoke sarcastically as he observed K.


"What is it Ritsu-chan?"

Nagisa asked Ritsu as he watched the digital screen move and fidget like a real person.

"Um, I believe I've seen her somewhere before."

"Haaah? Ritsu-chan, you know this girlie?"

Karma spoke loud and obnoxiously, he was obviously trying to wake K up. However, the girl didn't move. She continued to sleep soundly despite Karma's attempts to wake her.

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