Festival pt. 1

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K walked back to the old campus just in time. Koro-sensei had started math class. K sat in her usual seat, but she didn't fall asleep. She stayed awake during the class, although it was unsure whether she was paying attention or not, K spent the entire class time staring out the window.

"Alright class, next week will be the sports tournament and festival!"

The class moaned and groaned, many students sank in their chairs. K became alert and began listening to Koro-sensei.

"Now now, you are in a class whose mission is to assassinate their own teacher...a little bit of physical sporting should be easy."

"That's easy for you to say..."

Many of the students were reluctant to participate, but they were forced to for the pride of Kunigigaoka.

Kayano, Nakamura, Kanzarki, and Okuda gathered around a desk. Kayano seemed down while the other girls seemed worried.

"Haaah...there's no way we can win against the girls basketball team."

"Yeah, they're just too good.."

"I-I don't even know how to play basketball."

Then Nakamura noticed K sitting by herself and called out to her.

"Hey K! Maybe you could join us and help us win against the basketball team."

"Not interested."

"Come on K..."

"I can't...sorry."

K got up and walked out of the classroom. Outside, the boys were practicing for their match against the baseball team. Koro-sensei really was crazy...playing baseball at Mach speed against the boys. K watched each of them giving their all against Koro-sensei. She loved the determination in their eyes.

"You should join the girls."

K looked up to see Karasuma-sensei standing next to her on the stone steps.

"No thanks...I've never been good at team sports."

"Haha, yes that's true."


"You're not going to try to assassinate me?"

"No...these kids need you for now, once you become obsolete I'll kill you for sure."

"So the octopus got to you too?"

"Heh...maybe. You should really keep track of your stuff though."

K held up a black wallet in front of Karasuma-sensei's face. Karasuma-sensei snatched it out of her hand and shoved it back into his jacket pocket.

"So it was you! Why did you steal my jacket? I thought you had Akabane's."

"W-what? Don't be stupid...I didn't touch your disgusting jacket."

K pouted her face and turned away acting hurt. Karasuma-sensei just smiled and walked back toward his office.

"Bye then."


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