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"Hey Nagisa..."

Kayano rushed over to Nagisa's side. School had just ended and Nagisa, Karma, and Terasaka were all headed home.

"What is it Kayano-san?"

"Don't you think we should visit K? She is sick after all..."

The three male students looked at each other with unsure faces. Terasaka was the first to speak.

"Uh...yeah, we could but..."

"We don't exactly no where K lives, Kayano-san."

"I could help with that!"

The four classmates heard a familiarly high and cheerful voice. Nagisa instinctively pulled out his phone. On it was Ritsu.


"Hiya guys! I can easily figure our where she lives for you."


Terasaka was a little thrown off when Ritsu showed up. Nagisa and Kayano looked at Ritsu expectantly. They were determined to see K, but Karma was surprisingly quiet.

"Well...I hacked Karasuma-sensei's files and-"

"You did what?"

"Don't worry about it...just follow this map on your screen and you'll find what you're looking for."

The students were skeptical at first but they all agreed to follow the map anyway. Just like Ritsu said, it led to a small house. Kayano led the group to the door and knocked. The students were surprised to see who answered the door.


All four classmates were in sync when they saw their yellow octopus teacher open the door.

"Hee Hee...shhh, she's asleep."

Everyone walked in quietly, like walking on broken glass. Koro-sensei showed them to a table and had them sit down. There was already a very large dinner set up on the table.


"Hmm? Yes Nagisa-chan?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, one of my students is sick...and I wanted to take care of them."


Nagisa, Kayano, and Terasaka stared with disbelief and shock. But no one had noticed Karma sneak away.

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