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It had been a few weeks since Karasuma-sensei and K fought. Since then things had been quiet in class E. There wasn't much fighting between siblings. It was all very strange.

K went back to bring her usual self and continued to fall asleep during class. The only difference now was that K no longer sat on the stone stairs in front of the class building to watch the P.E. class. Instead she would skip class and disappear. No one knew where she went to. Karma tried to follow her, but she somehow managed to lose him every time.

What no one in end class knew was that K was going to meet Itona at the bottom of the waterfall everyday. There, she told Shiro all about Koro-sensei and his weaknesses.

"By the way K, I heard they found out about you."

"Yeah, they did. But it doesn't matter."

"Why is that?"

"Because none of them are strong enough to beat me."

K stared at the waterfall as she spoke casually with Shiro. Itona seemed to be entertaining himself by watching the fish swimming in the water. His big yellow eyes stared, they were fixated on his prey.

"Ito-chan! Get away from the water!"

Itona quickly listened to K's warning and ran toward her. He sat on a rock that was nearby. Shiro just looked at the two children and laughed.

"You've always looked out for him. Seeing you two together is quite nice."

"You're talking like an old man Shiro-san."

K stuck her tongue out to Shiro and ran to Itona's side. She hugged him and leaned on him while he just sat there. Itona was quiet...until he smelled something. Something familiar. Itona began to shake when he recognized the scent.

"Sera-san, someone-"

He didn't even have to finish his sentence. K knew what he was thinking. Someone was headed toward them.

"Heyy K! Don't worry! Sensei's here!"

Koro-sensei came out of the forest running toward K. K, Itona, and Shiro were underwhelmed when they saw that it was just Koro-sensei.

"Ito-chan...I thought you smelled Tadaomi."

"I did...I still do."

"Look at what he's carrying."

Shiro pointed to one of Koro-sensei's tentacles. On the tentacle was a familiar black jacket.

"So Itona smelled Tadaomi's scent from that jacket. Clever..."

"Oh K! There's something that you absolutely have to seeeeeee!"

Koro-sensei continued to jump around with mucus dripping down his face. K was losing her patience with the emotional yellow octopus.

"Rgh...What is it?"


Koro-sensei pulled a leather wallet out of the black jacket and opened it. Inside was a picture of a young Karasuma-sensei and a little girl standing in front of two older adults.

"Isn't it great? I never knew just how much Karasuma-sensei adored his little sis-"

Without warning K shot Koro-sensei's tentacle that was holding the wallet. She looked furiously at the ground where the wallet had fallen. Itona stood behind her with concern in his eyes.

"You have no right..."

"K...why did you-"

"You have no right!"

K began firing aimlessly at Koro-sensei. Each shot missed it's target but K didn't care. She shot until she didn't have any bullets left, then she pulled out a rubber knife and lounged at Koro-sensei.

"This isn't why I'm here K. I only came to talk."

"If you wanted to talk then talk. But I'm going to stab you in your face if you even think about letting your guard down."

K continued to stab with an intense rage. As Koro-sensei dodged at mach speed. He sighed and spoke as K thrust her knife.

"I was just wondering...do you really hate Karasuma-sensei?"

"Of course."

"What would you have done in his position?"

"Excuse me?"

"If you were the older sibling who was supposed to protect your younger sibling no matter what, if you were the one who had to make the choice. What would you have done?"

"...I wouldn't have chosen to shoot him."

"And yet Karasuma-sensei chose to fire his gun at you..."

"Yes, he tried to kill me and Itona protected me."

"He made a mistake."

"...that mistake is the difference between my life and his."


"I would have done anything to protect him, but he would do anything to get revenge for me."

K stopped attacking and put away her knife. She picked up the wallet on the ground and dusted the dirt off the picture.

"This was the last picture we took as a family. I was four years old, and one year later I'm burying my parents in the ground. With no one left to care for me I was given to my older brother."

"Tadaomi Karasuma was a young soldier who joined the military right after high school. He left his family for a year and a half before becoming the guardian of his younger sister, Sera Karasuma."

"That's right Shiro..."

K just stared at the picture, it was as if she was looking at the past and remembering what her life used to be like. Koro-sensei walked over and put a tentacle on K's shoulder.

"It was one mistake...and mistakes can be forgiven."

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