Ultimate Attempt pt. 1

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"All right guys, you know what to do."

Everyone was busy doing their part to get ready for their ultimate attempt on Koro-sensei's life. They knew most of his weaknesses, water, embarrassment, motion sickness, losing tentacles...they planned to use these weaknesses to their advantages.

All of the students were split into different groups and took turns getting their parts ready. Any group that wasn't busy would be distracting Koro-sensei.

"Hah...I'm too tired to move, and I hate swimming."

"Aw come on girlie...swimming is fun."

"Thats easy for you to say, but I grew up with Itona...I can't exactly go swimming with him."

"Haha you're right!"

K and Karma talked while preparing some water equipment. Nagisa, Kayano, and Sugino watched suspiciously and whispered to each other.

"Hey Nagisa, didn't Karma and K disappear for a little while yesterday?"

"Yeah I think so...Karasuma-sensei was pretty mad when he couldn't find them."

"Nagisa-kun...do you think they were doing something together?"

"I-I'm not sure..."

The three friends watched and observed Karma and K closely as they prepared their equipment. Then unexpectedly, Karma leaned close to K and whispered something in her ear. Nagisa, Kayano, and Sugino blushed as their imaginations ran wild while trying to find out what was happening. Then something else unexpected happened, K pushed Karma violently into the water.

"You idiot! Shut up and finish what you're supposed to be doing."


Karma floated in the water and K threw her oxygen tank at his face.

"You're cruel K."


Everyone watched in disbelief. They watched as K and Karma bickered like ordinary friends. The students went back to work and somehow managed to finish preparing, despite Karma's continuous teasing and K's violent outbursts.

Now all that was left to do was to lure in Koro-sensei.

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