Fever Time

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The next morning students were slowly arriving to class. Karma walked in and sat in his seat. Most of class E noticed something was weird with him, especially when he showed up to class on time without his jacket on. Everyone sat down when Koro-sensei walked in.

"OK, looks like everyone is here...hmm?"

Koro-sensei looked around suspiciously. He continued turning his head back and forth, back and forth. He finally stopped on the empty seat next to Karma.

"Where's K?"

Everyone was surprised to see that the quiet assassin was missing. Although she skipped some classes, she never missed a day of school. That's when Nagisa realized something.

"Where's Karasuma-sensei?"

The students ran frantically through the halls and all over the old campus. They feared that K had made an attempt on Karasuma-sensei's life.



Everyone grew pale, they felt like they just lost a battle. Then Karma peeked his head out the window.

"He's in here and he's fine!"

It took a while to calm the class. Karasuma-sensei got them all to sit down and be quiet. He heard the story from Karma. They thought that K was trying to assassinate him because she wasn't in her usual spot. Karasuma-sensei just sighed in annoyance.

"K is sick. She apparently has a fever and won't be coming to school. Itona just told me."

Itona was standing at the entrance with his wide yellow eyes staring right at Karma. Kayano leaned over her desk and tapped Nagisa on the shoulder.

"Psst...is it just me, or is Itona staring at Karma?"

"It looks more like he's glaring at him."

Itona took his seat. Class went on like normal with the usual interruptions. During break Karma walked over to Itona.

"So, girlie got sick huh?"


"Was it something she ate? Something she smelled?"

"It was because of you."


"She got sick because of you!"

Itona loosed one of his tentacles and attacked Karma. Karma dodged swiftly and accurately, but by then the whole class had heard Itona.

"What do you mean, she's sick because of Karma-kun?"

"I don't need to explain to you."

Itona walked out and disappeared for the rest of the day. Everyone else was wondering how K got sick because of Karma. The Nagisa heard a whisper that was barely audible from Karma's mouth.

"It must've been the rain..."

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