When No One is Looking

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Karma made his way down the hall and peaked through each door as he passed. He finally stopped when he spotted a bed with a lump under the covers.

"Found you..."

The door creaked as it opened. Karma tip-toed from the door to the bed. Each step making sure he didn't wake K, each second listening for Nagisa and the others in the dining room. When Karma reached the side of the bed he grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it back slightly. Underneath he could see K, sleeping.


K tossed in her sleep and reached for the blanket that had been disturbed. Karma froze, his heart was beating quickly. Then everything stopped when her hand grabbed something. K felt something warm in her hand, she had grabbed Karma's hand.


K opened her eyes when she noticed something was wrong. When her eyes finally adjusted she could see someone standing at the side of her bed. K rubbed her eyes and tried to focus but was too tired and exhausted.



Karma was unable to move. He knew that if said or did anything he would be in big trouble.

K was finally able to see clearly and when she looked up she saw Karma. Her first instinct was to panic so she tried to sit up, but her fever had made her dizzy and weak.

"D-don't move."

"How did you get in here."


"That damn octopus...I told him no visitors."

"Um...could you...let go?"

K stared up at Karma confusedly. She followed his eyes to what he had been talking about. She was shocked to see that she was holding his hand. K pulled back her arm and buried herself under the blanket.


"Uh...it's alright...was that my jacket you were wearing?"


K became silent. Karma couldn't tell what was happening because K had completely submerged herself under the blanket. Karma stood quietly and waited for an answer, but after a little while he got bored and smirked evilly.


Karma poked the sheets and called to her with a smile glued to his face.

"Alright fine...stop being stupid."

K sat up on her bed so she could be clearly seen. She was still wearing the same black uniform from yesterday and she was wearing Karma's jacket. K looked down and blushed.

"I got home with Itona yesterday and I told him I wasn't feeling good. I sent him home with Shiro-san and went to sleep. But in the middle of the night I was getting cold and grabbed the thing closest to me...your jacket."

"..I see.."

"And then Itona showed up the next morning and saw that I had a fever. Then in the afternoon that stupid octopus showed up and insisted that he make something to eat."



"You're sick because of me..."

"Did Itona tell you that?"


"Tch...I told that kid to leave it."


"Itona was fuming when he found out I had a fever...he blamed you."

"Oh, yeah I know. He showed up to school today and attacked me in front of everyone."

"...jeez Itona."

K stayed quiet as she stared at her bed sheets. Karma looked down and tried as much as possible to not be awkward. Then the two heard very familiar voices down the hall.

Transfer Time (Again?)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ