Bloodlust and Scorn pt.2

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The students all gathered for lunch in the main classroom. Still confused about the situation that had happened earlier that day.

"Karasuma-sensei, is something wrong?"

Okuda-San asked in her usual sweet voice. However, Karasuma-sensei did not feel moved by it.

"It's none of your business."

Karasuma-sensei snapped and Okuda-san winced and whimpered when she heard the hostility in his voice. Class E was surprised when they heard him raise his voice. Karasuma-sensei was usually so gentle and protective, but today he was fuming with rage. And the only person who could've made it worse, walked through the door just as Okuda-san ran out.

"Still making little girls run away in fear, Ta-da-o-mi?"


Karasuma-sensei scowled and ignored K who leaned up against the doorway. K seemed to enjoy his reaction and continued to speak.

"Maybe you enjoy it? Hurting little girls?"


"How did it feel? When you broke their hearts?"

The E-class just watched as their teacher was insulted right in front of them. Many of them wanted to say something, but they were too scared. Too scared of what she might do if they made her angry. The conversation between them was like a land mine buried in the ground. One wrong move from any student and the entire situation could blow up in their faces. However, there was always one student in class E who didn't care about consequences. That student just happened to walk in the classroom in the middle of the conversation.

"Hmm? Heyy girlie. You're in the way."

Karma spoke loudly and enthusiastically like his usual self. He was unaware of the situation and atmosphere that surrounded the room.

"Then next time you shouldn't go to the restroom in the middle of class."

"Haha, Irritated aren't we? Maybe you're the reason why Okuda-san ran out crying just now?"

He continued to press and question K, despite Nagisa's motions, which were desperately trying to tell him to stop. K continued to answer with a straight face, although her eyes never left Karasuma-sensei, who was ignoring her.

"It wasn't me, I didn't even talk to her."

"Oh? Then who? Who made Okuda-san cry? Maybe you're just jealous. Cause she gets to spend more time with Karasuma-sensei and you don't."

K twitched at that last comment and Karma smirked when he noticed a reaction.

"Maybe, you're in loooove with him?"

K sighed deeply and Nagisa became worried. Karma was entertained by how irritating he could be and was about to make another comment, but Nagisa noticed something that made him jump.

"Are you in lo-"

"Karma lookout!"

Nagisa's warning came just in time. Karma dodged K's punch just as it was about to hit it's mark.

"Tch, I missed."

"Touchy touchy."

Karma teased as K began a sequence of rapid punches. Karma was simultaneously blocking and dodging as each swing from K comes faster and harder than the last.


Nagisa tries to warn him but he's too late. K launches a kick just as Karma tries to block a punch that never came. Karma is flown into a wall and knocked unconscious as Nagisa and Kayano rush over to his aid.

"He tried to predict my punches, but he never expected a kick."

"That's enough K!"

Karasuma-sensei grabs her right arm and violently twists her body to face him.

"It's enough already!"

"Is it? Is it enough?"

"I'm ashamed to be related to you."

"Related? I watched your sister die a long time ago. She's dead, and she's never coming back!"

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