Brotherly Advice: Tough But Frail

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Later that day Karma paid a visit to Karasuma-sensei. Karasuma-sensei was in the teachers office doing paperwork like usual. Karma knocked and entered, he made sure they were alone.

"Hey sensei..."

"I heard about what happened earlier with Itona."


"Don't blame yourself, you were walking home right? And then it started raining."

"Yeah, but no one gets sick from a little rain."
"Sera does. She gets sick all the time, that rain probably only made her condition worse. She may act tough, but her body is quite frail."


Karma was surprised to hear those words. He couldn't believe that the same K who vowed to assassinate Karasuma-sensei could get sick from a little rain. Karasuma-sensei didn't even look up from his paperwork.

"We all have our weaknesses..."

"...I guess..."

"By the way Karma-kun, I've never seen you come to class without your jacket before. Is it some sort of new style?"

Karma was dragged back to reality with that statement. He looked down and blushed. He remembered that he gave it to K so she could keep dry, but he couldn't tell that to Karasuma-sensei.

"Uh...yeah, but I don't think it's workin for me."

He lied as best he could. He was not going to tell Karasuma-sensei that he gave his jacket to his sister. Karasuma-sensei might misunderstand.

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