The Final Battle

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This will be the final chapter. Thank you to everyone for your votes and comments. There will be a sequel, but for now, this book is done.

The group made it to the final room. Karasuma-sensei held a gun and aimed it at the mystery man who sat in a chair facing away from the door. The students snuck around trying to get close without making a sound. Their goal was the detonator. Just when Karma and the others were in range to grab the detonator, the mystery man suddenly tossed more detonators at them. He turned around in his chair while laughing maniacally. The students gasped in surprise when they saw who it was.

"Hahaha...I can't believe you all made it here! You should've just listened to me and sent Nagisa and Kayano."

"There's no way I would let that happen, Takaoka!"

Karasuma-sensei growled when he saw Takaoka. Takaoka had scars from his new habit of constantly scratching his face. He had wide eyes like a crazy person and spoke heavily.

"Come now Karasuma. We both know that these kids are never going to be able to kill that monster. I would've killed him by tonight if you had just given me what I asked for."

Takaoka began to explain what he had planned. Kayano and Koro-sensei trapped and surrounded by antiKoro-senei BB's. Then Koro-sensei would have to choose between dying and saving Kayano. He explained his whole crazy plan to everyone, but he didn't explain what he had planned to do with Nagisa.

"As for Nagisa-kun, well...I would've used him for my own personal revenge."

"You make me sick!"

K took a step toward Takaoka, but he immediately put his finger on the trigger.

"Bad little sister. Don't forget, I'm the only one with a cure for your friends."


"Now then...if you want to cure your friends, why don't you follow me?"

Nagisa followed directly behind Takaoka and the rest of the group stayed close. But they were separated from Nagisa when the bridge exploded.

"Hahaha, now no one can interfere!"


Nagisa was alone with Takaoka on the roof of a building and Takaoka tossed a knife at his feet.

"Pick it up...we're finishing our fight."

Nagisa picked up the knife and held it defensively. He looked as if he was scared. Takaoka charged Nagisa, blow after blow, he beat Nagisa until he became bored of beating up a weakling.

"Lets raise the stakes, shall we?"

Takaoka tossed the case that held the cure into the air and pressed the detonator. Nagisa was shocked with fear as he watches the explosion. Takaoka laughed triumphantly and taunted Nagisa.

"Come...come on...kill me."


Nagisa stood with pure rage in his eyes. He held the knife with purpose and aimed for his enemy. Karma attempted to run up and help Nagisa, but he was stopped by Terasaka.


"What? I'm not just going to sit here while he-"

"Nagisa! Don't let him get to you! You can still beat him!"

Nagisa looked to Terasaka, then back at his hands. He took a deep breath and calmed himself. Terasaka suddenly tossed the taser he had with him to Nagisa. Nagisa stood and picked it up, but quickly tucked it away in his belt. All eyes were on him as he stood tall with the knife relaxed in his right arm.


Takaoka became crazier with each passing second. Nagisa just relaxed himself. He looked up with kind eyes and drew his attention to his target, Takaoka. Takaoka suddenly became filled with fear and stepped back.

"N-no...d-don't come near me..."

Nagisa smiled and walked slowly toward Takaoka. Takaoka's attention remained fixed on the knife in Nagisa's right hand. Nagisa stopped about 2 feet away from Takaoka and released the knife from his hand. Takaoka's attention stayed with the falling knife, his eyes grew wider and his body began to shake. Nagisa used this opportunity to draw his taser. He quickly shocked Takaoka and knocked him to the ground. Takaoka was defeated with a taser pointed at his neck and Nagisa standing over him. Takaoka began begging and whimpering as Nagisa did his usual smile.

"Thanks for everything, Takaoka-sensei."


Nagisa tased him until he was unconscious. It was over, but the cure was gone. Nagisa collapsed to his knees thinking he failed everyone.

"Don't worry, all of your classmates will be fine in a few days."

Grip suddenly appeared with Smog and Gastro following.

"What do you mean?"

"We're professionals, but we didn't want to kill a bunch of kids. Smog substituted the pathogen for a harmless bug that has the same symptoms, but one isn't lethal. All of you will be fine."

And so, Smog, Gastro, and Grip left on a helicopter, Takaoka was arrested, and the rest of the students headed back to the hotel.


It was their last day on the island. Most of the students had recovered and were playing on the beach. Karasuma-sensei had placed the helpless Koro-sensei on a ship surrounded by antiKoro-srnsei BB's. K was sitting on the beach reading a book in the sunset when Karma showed up.

"Hey girlie..."

"...what do you want?"

"Remember your promise?"

Karma leaned in close and whispered into K's ear.

"I hope you can keep it, Se-ra-chan."

K blushed from ear to ear and threw her book in Karma's face.

"G-go away! Go bother someone else!"

"Hahaha...I'm gonna enjoy this!"

Soooo that's it guys ^^...I hope you enjoyed it.
There will be a sequel, it will be made when the next season of assassination classroom comes out. If you have any requests then pls feel free to comment or message me.

Also, be sure to read my other books. It will be greatly appreciated.

Thats all for now! Merry Christmas everyone!

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