Bloodlust and Scorn pt.1

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"Get off of me now!"

Karasuma-sensei struggled under the weight of K's body. He became furious and began yelling violently at K, but K just stared. With her own body sprawled across his, she stared deeply into his eyes...and smirked mischievously.

"Should I tell your precious students who you really are? Hmm, Ta-da-o-mi?"

"Shut your mouth! If you say anything to them I swear I'll kill you myself!"

The other students just gathered around them and stared. They'd never seen Karasuma-sensei so angry before. Most of them were in shock. It felt as if hours had passed, watching Karasuma-sensei and K stare each other down. That's when the students heard a familiar voice, it was a very quiet and confused voice.


K looked up from Karasuma-sensei.

"I didn't expect you to join the class so soon, miss assassin. Are you feeling better?"

When the class looked for the source of the voice they saw two unwelcomed faces. Many of the female students cringed or stepped back defensively.

"I didn't know today was your day, Shiro-san."

K got up off of Karasuma-sensei and ran toward the short white-haired boy who stood next to a taller man dressed in a white cloak. The other students stood and stared in awe.

"Who's Sera?"

Nagisa whispered to Karma. Karma just looked at him and shrugged his shoulders.

Karasuma-sensei slowly got up off the ground and tried to keep his composure.

"Are you here for another challenge?"

"Now now sensei, can't we just be here to visit an old friend. You'll be dead soon anyway."

K just wrapped her arms around the shorter boy's shoulders and stared intensely at Karasuma-sensei.

The intense aura that surrounded everyone eventually dissipated when Karasuma-sensei decided to leave. He said something about signing paperwork, but most of the students could feel the tension between their teacher and the new student.

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