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Nagisa, Terasaka, Kayano, and Koro-sensei were all enjoying themselves in the main room. They were eating, talking, and even cracking playful jokes. No one had noticed that Karma disappeared.

"Man Koro-sensei...I had no idea you knew how to cook."

"Yeah! This is very delicious."

"Aw...you're too kind, Kayano-chan and Terasaka-kun."

Koro-sensei blushed when the two students complimented his cooking. Then there was an unexpected knock on the door.

"Were you expecting someone else, Koro-sensei?"

"Hmm...Nagisa-chan, could you answer the door please?"


Nagisa stood and happily walked to the door. Without thinking he opened the door before checking to see who it was. Shock was painted on Nagisa's face.

"K-Karasuma-sensei? What are you doing here?"

"Nagisa-kun? She's my sister...why are you here?"

"Uh...well, Kayano-san thought that it would be a good idea, so Terasaka-san, Karma-kun, Kayano-san, and I all came to help K. But when we got here Koro-sensei answered the door."

"I see..."

Karasuma-sensei walked into the house while being guided by Nagisa. The two arrived in the dining room where Koro-sensei was entertaining Kayano and Terasaka. Karasuma-sensei just stood at the entrance to the room and stared.

"Is something wrong Karasuma-sensei?"

"Nagisa-kun, I thought you said Karma Akabane was with you."

"He is...he's right....here..."

Everyone looked around the room but no one could find Karma. Terasaka looked at Nagisa with a worried expression.

"Uh...Nagisa...wasn't Karma with you?"

"Y-yeah he was. We were all walking together and then we entered the house and..."

Nagisa paused and looked toward the hallway.

"Koro-sensei...does that hallway lead to K's room?"

"Hmm? Yes it does Nagisa-chan."

Karasuma-sensei immediately realized what Nagisa was thinking. He rushed down the hallway looking for K's room. When he finally found it he swung the door open as fast as he could.

K and Karma jumped when they heard the door swing open. They both looked at Karasuma-sensei with mouths and eyes wide open. Karasuma-sensei looked at the two students and relaxed when he saw that they were both unharmed.

"Tadaomi? What do you think you're doing here?"

K snapped when she finally realized who opened the door. Karasuma-sensei only smirked.

"I was just checking out your new fashion statement...it's almost as ridiculous as Karma's."

Karasuma-sensei motioned toward K's "new" jacket. K looked at herself and blushed. She looked back at Karasuma-sensei and glared at him.

"G-get out and shut up Tadaomi!"

"What? You're kicking me out, but Akabane gets to stay? You must be special Karma-kun."

Karasuma-sensei teased Karma and K until their faces were bright red. Koro-sensei and the others just watched in the shadows. Koro-sensei and Nagisa looked at each other with worried faces.

"Well, this was unexpected."

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