Fired, Reinstated, Hospitalized

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"I won't leave! This is my class!"

Takaoka groveled on the ground and threw an immature tantrum. He refused to give up and continued to demand a rematch. Then the king of hell showed up. Principal Asano walked up to Takaoka with a paper in his hand.

"I hear that you've been beating my students..."

" think you have power? You think you can scare me-"

"This paper is your pink slip, Takaoka-sensei. I don't want to see you here ever again."

"You can't fire me!"

"Watch me..."

Principal Asano didn't say a word, but his aura was threatening enough. He shoved the pink slip down Takaoka's throat and left him shaking with fear.

"Karasuma-sensei right?"

"Yes, and you're principal Asano..."

"Yes, as far as my staff is concerned the government doesn't have hiring rights. That power lies with me. So I will reinstate you...only if you accept though."

"I accept..."

Principal Asano smirked and turned to leave when he noticed someone passed out on the ground and covered in bruises.

"Is that one of your students?"

Karasuma-sensei looked in the direction that Principal Asano was staring in and saw K on the ground. Kayano was next to her and monitoring her.

" is she..."

"She should be fine. She's just unconscious."

Principal Asano looked at them and approached K. He gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms.

"Principal...I can carry her-"

"Nonsense sensei...I will take her to our medical wing and make sure she gets treated properly."

Karasuma-sensei and the rest of class-E were surprised to see the principal actually caring for one if their classmates. None of them could've guessed what Principal Asano was really thinking.

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